chapter 10,i feel fine but my nightmare got worse.

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Divine: scanning through the papers for cure, and read the last paper saying some blood types are immune to TX13 due to unknown cause.

( keeps reading the blood-stained document)

Day 1, I have secret joined the military under fake name to hide myself. I give out free food to random soldiers as if I was nice, fella.

Day 2, some of the posions in food I gave out work on four soldiers. Currently, they're in a medical tent being treated, but soon, they will turn into bloodbath.

Day 3, my subjects are dead. They thought it was aliens doing instead its was me.

Day 4 they went to collect food they left me charge of base, I told soldiers I had task give them. They blind follow me to back of base, and I give them a choice to fight or give up. Luckily, alien shape-shifting among them came clean the moment I turned on gas that was poured out TX13. I told the alien to sit in the cell.

Day 5, they came back to base and saw alien in cage and a few corpses on the ground. I framed alien to make it look like he killed them all. They believed it, and I knocked out them with sleep grenades. The last moment they saw was me release TX13 and AXF into their cages.

Day 6, I officially pissed off the aliens with toxic TX13. I poured the barrel by their base, some of them were affected by it, and I called it test. Some of the aliens immediately fall into their base, i assume other tx13 aliens weren't listening to them and started to rip them apart.

Day 7, those aliens managed to survive those TX13 monsters, they're at base right now trying get in, in 12 minutes there will be one single gun shot if anyone reading this I I've completed my life work and I'm sure no one will find me now. By Dr. Philipp Vincent.

( stops reading)

Divine started feeling guilty about telling Henry the truth of his own brother.

Divine saw her message icon had notification 12 new messages, and she opened her hologram screen menu to message and see Zaylora typing something.

( hologram Message Window)

Zaylora: Are you still up? Div?

Zaylora: div? Are you busy?

Zaylora: I'm getting you into trouble right now?

Divine: I do apologies I was distracted by some rogue scientist who killed both our kinds during this war and ended his life.

Zaylora: That sounds severely dangerous. You aren't injured, right? Div?

Divine, im half injured, but I'm surprised im still walking after that hit, it's was strong blow to back. I guess I just have a lady lucky on my side.

Zaylora: Does it hurt you? You know I can help you if it's hurting you, your my opponent no one allow to touch you but me.

Divine: You make sounds like im your lover or something, wait, I am I?

Zaylora: What, no! I didn't mean to come that way at all, I just didn't want anyone else to have you. Wait, no.

Divine: giggle ( voice audio )

Zaylora: Are you considering dating me?

Divine: Basically, if you like warmth so much, we can for a short while.

Zaylora: I would like to, but in exchange for human books of dating.

Divine you agree so fast, I'm kinda speechless. I expect you say no.

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