Falling into Darkness

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The robots stood vigilant, their metal bodies unmoving, as General Mother entered Mizuno's room. The doctor's departure had left the room eerily silent, except for the soft hum of the machines surrounding Mizuno's bed.

General Mother's eyes locked onto Mizuno's face, her expression a mixture of concern and sadness. She took a step closer, her hand reaching out to gently touch Mizuno's cheek.

Mizuno's gaze narrowed, her eyes flashing with anger as she recalled the events that had led to her current condition. "You're welcome," she spat, her voice venomous. "I saved the government agent, Alex, just like you asked me to."

General Mother's expression faltered, and she let out a sigh. "They said you were Code Black, how are you feeling, my daughter?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Mizuno's anger intensified, her eyes burning with a fierce determination. "What happened, Mother? You looked sad. Are my siblings hurt?" she demanded.

General Mother's face crumpled, and she collapsed onto the bed beside Mizuno. "Your father... he's dead," she whispered, her words barely audible. "He was killed on Mars, and the whole city was overwhelmed by an alien squad."

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