chapter 19, Surprised visitors

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Divine, Dawn, Shawn, and Sarah, dressed in military gear, speed through the desert in a convoy of armored vehicles. The intensity of their mission fuels their focus and determination. Dust swirls around them as they race towards their destination - the military base Nebula.

(into the radio)
Command, this is Divine. We are en route to Nebula with additional support. Requesting status update on enemy activity.

(over the radio)
Divine, the situation is dire. Nebula is under heavy attack from enemies with powerful creatures. They are overwhelming our forces. You are our last hope. Proceed with caution.

Divine tightens her grip on the steering wheel, her determination evident.

(to the team)
We have a tough fight ahead of us, but we've trained for this. Stay focused and follow my lead. Our goal is to deliver the support and eliminate the enemy threat.

As the convoy approaches the military base Nebula, the sound of explosions and gunfire grows more intense. Divine counts on her team's training and instinct as they exit the vehicles and take strategic positions.

(preparing her weapon)
Stay sharp, everyone. We need to neutralize the enemy presence and secure the base.

Shawn scans the horizon, spotting enemy combatants charging towards the base alongside vicious creatures.

(readying himself)
Incoming! Enemies at twelve o'clock! Let's

( stops the hover tank)

Gets out of tank, get on the ground of sand. Pull out rifle and aim directly to enemies.

Fired at highest speed, hit enemies with fusion blast ammo.

Enemies all get blasted down to the ground.

Alien soldier
( takes covered behind a rock)

Heavy coughing pulls out grenades throw them at the car.

( saw the grenades land on tank, and run quickly)

moves very quickly.

still getting blasted towards a rock.

Divine hit the rock hard. She is unconscious and injured with a broken arm. Wound on back.

Zaylora alien officer

( saw her lover here, and saw soldier who throw the bomb toward her)

( face expression turned colder after she saw div injured)

As she dashed to the soldier behind the rock and sliced him with a fake lie.

Alien soldier

( face is shocked)

officer, why? Alien screeching in pain.

Zaylora alien officer

( expression very cold)

You destroyed valuable information that was in that hovering vehicle. Do you must know why I had to get rid of you.

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