chapter 22 Zaylora urge and southern caves

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Divine, clad in stealth gear, cautiously sneaks into Zaylora's tent. The atmosphere is tense yet filled with expectancy. Divine's heart races as her eyes settle upon Zaylora, seated at her desk, engrossed in a pile of reports. The flickering lanterns cast a dim light that dances upon their faces.

Divine takes a moment to admire Zaylora's fierce determination, her dedication to duty evident in the way she meticulously sifts through the documents. Their eyes meet, and a smile spreads across Divine's face, silently expressing their deep connection and love.

Divine gracefully walks towards Zaylora's desk, her footsteps barely audible against the soft sand. The sound of their heartbeats fills the silent tent as she draws nearer. Zaylora looks up, her eyes gleaming with a mix of surprise and delight.

(voice filled with warmth)
Divine, my love. I'm relieved to see you here. I could use your help.

Divine moves closer, sensing the urgency in Zaylora's voice, and gently places a hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manner.

Anything, my love. You only need to ask. What can I do for you?

Zaylora gazes into Divine's eyes, a mixture of emotions flickering across her face. Without hesitation, Zaylora pulls Divine onto her lap, settling into the chair together.

I need you, not just for a moment's relief, but for your guidance, your wisdom. These reports hold vital information, and I'm overwhelmed.

Divine wraps her arms around Zaylora, providing a comforting embrace that instantly calms the storm within her lover's heart.

I'm here, my love. Let's face this together. Show me the reports, and we'll find a way forward.

Zaylora, visibly grateful for Divine's presence, sets aside the reports and shifts her attention to the woman in her arms. Their eyes meet, locking into an unspoken understanding that transcends words.

They become enveloped in a world of their own, where love and support are the strongest forces. Divine takes Zaylora's hand, intertwining their fingers, their connection palpable.

You are not alone in this, Zaylora. Let's approach these challenges as a team, leveraging each other's strengths.

Thank you, Divine. I'm grateful to have you by my side, reassuring me in times of uncertainty.

Together, Divine and Zaylora delve into the intricate reports and strategize the best course of action. The tent becomes a sanctuary of love and collaboration, where the weight of responsibility is shared and lightened.

In this intimate moment, Divine and Zaylora strengthen their bond, reaffirming their commitment to each other and to the mission they are united in. As they continue their work, they find solace in the unyielding support they offer one another, illustrating that even in the midst of chaos, love is a guiding light.



Divine, Dawn, and Shawn descend into the dark, eerie depths of the southern caves. Their mission: to clear out the remaining TX13 undead soldiers and ensure the safety of the area. As they cautiously navigate through the tunnels, their flashlights illuminate the way the musty air weighs heavy on their shoulders.

Stay on guard, everyone. These caves can be treacherous. We need to be thorough in clearing out any threats.

(loading her weapon)
Agreed, Divine. Keep your senses sharp. We can not afford any surprises.

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