chapter 25, The Maid outfit

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Do I have to dress in this very revealing   outfit?

( Zaylora)
Yes, I'm just surprised that it shows your thigh-highs and your chest, who made this Inappropriate Maid outfit a perverted Idiot?

( Divine)
Aren't you perverted as well Zaylora?

( Zaylora)
Hey! At Least I ask for permission from you to have special attention I, im not heartless.

Hmm, you surely don't sound like you are telling half of the truth there Af'ie?

(Passing soldiers in background)

Oh! It's your time to shine, if anyone touch you, I will hurt them in shadows.
No touching my beautiful Mizuno~♡

You're  going  get caught if you go out in daylight  Zaylora?

( Zaylora)
I will be fine my love, I will just throw rocks at them.

(Not convince) (Divine)
You should be careful Af'ie, I don't want you getting caught  at all. I'm worried about you.

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