Blades & guns

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Mizuno feels as if enemies are keeping a close eye on them, so quick, bring the Vehicle to me immediately!

Dawn acknowledges the same feeling and suggests that they should depart without delay.

Observing a distant glare, they are monitoring us while we deal with these creatures. Should we utilize the Red capsules to identify this disease before us?

Mizuno objects to wasting our sole survival option in the desert, no way!

Using my Blades for this task is detestable.

Dawn doubts the possibility of throwing tiny daggers such a long distance; one must be highly skilled or perhaps even a God.

It's better than doing nothing, have confidence in your weapons and believe in your ability to go beyond the ordinary in battle.

Trust in yourself.

Ascending the military vehicle, she retrieved her daggers from the bag secured to her hip. She hurled the first blade directly into the eye of the alien.

In disbelief, Dawn exclaimed, "How did you accomplish that? Spare me the talk of fate. Do you even lift, bro?"

Observing her skill in launching the blade at such a distance, it became evident that she was proficient in wielding blades - earning her the title 'Divine.'
She swiftly and accurately executed her target, causing the foes to flee. Lowering the sniper rifle, she directed, "Get in the rear seat."

Aftermath Evening

The passage describes Divine taking action against an alien spy, showing off her rifle skills by firing warning shots. Afterward, she casually lights a cigarette, seemingly unbothered by the situation. As the vehicle drives off from the military outpost, Divine unexpectedly falls against the window shield but manages to stay on until they return to base.

Mizuno impresses Dawn with her ability to stay on the moving vehicle at high speed. Laughter fills the air among the driver, Mizuno, and Dawn. Upon reaching the base, a mishap occurs as Mizuno collides with two incoming soldiers, fortunately causing no serious injuries to anyone involved. Both parties demonstrate quick reflexes in avoiding the accident.

Mizuno helps the two sergeants up, nonchalantly walking past them towards the general's tent. Meanwhile, soldiers assist in moving the vehicle to the base warehouse and escort Dawn, the officer, and her boyfriend to the engineering warehouse for repairs. The impending task of explaining the incident to the general weighs heavily on their minds.

As Mizuno heads towards the tent, she receives a hologram message from Af'ie, her alien girlfriend and an enemy in the ongoing war. The message praises Mizuno's skills but hints at a reward for her actions. Another notification prompts Mizuno to open a message, revealing a surprising sight of Zaylora in a compromising position. Although caught off guard, Mizuno quickly exits the message, maintaining a composed façade to conceal her emotional reaction.

Outside the general's tent, Mizuno observes her mother shouting at a soldier for his apparent failure in intelligence operations. Waiting calmly, she watches the tense situation unfold, noting the general's evident frustration towards the soldier, Kim Val Lung. Despite the delays, soldiers guarding the tent appear accustomed to such occurrences, earning Mizuno the nickname "the Judge."

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