chapter 11, Echoes in the Dark

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Soldier mark: There is nothing but information on TX13 to be stored on an off-world planet under code name AXF-9.

Soldier Ryan: I think Mr. Smith would like to hear about this to report to our new captain.

Soldier Jack: im reported in, I have found stash of ammo in crate. And few vials full of green liquid.

Mr. Smith: Copy that, im aheading down sector I, I see two doors of both sides, and im choosing the right for medical supplies or worse those dammed creatures.

Divine: repeat your current location, my squad mate picking up underground movements in Sector D.

Soldier Jack: Shit! I gotta run! Or hide what I do?

Divine: hide in crate and hold your breath as long you could. There is only one red dot coming!.

Jack jumped into ammo crate and picked up the lid and covered it.

Creatures roaring in the background, sniffing the air, and leaving the area go off to Sector #.

Radio: Jack, are you alive, Mate?

Jack: I think just shit pants, man! That creature was smelling nearby, I most thought that thing saw me for second there.

Radio chattering: least your Alive man! That means you shitted in ammo crate. I feel bad whoever opened that again.

Divine hears that over Radio, I didn't need to hear that. Stay alert, and focus on mission.

Soldier mark: Sorry, Captain!

Soldier: I'VE collect what left of papers, and vials put in ice bag.

Soldier mark: going back to exit leaving. I ran out of air filters, and air in here is toxic. ( open door and leaves )

Mr. Smith: copy that, distribute all your bombs attached to walls on your way out.

Soldiers ( began to return to ladder and climbing up )

Echoes in hallways.

( distant roaring and chewing can be heard)

Soldier Jack, how many people are still in the bunker?

( Mr. Smith: Don't worry, im still here, and I'm near the exit waiting on you, so hurry your ass up. Those creatures were chewing on something down here. It's a good sign to leave. )

Whispers you aren't safe there.

Jack: opens the door to creature. And fires at head. Creatures in the far side of the bunker heard bullets dropping to the floor, roaring like crazy as if someone was new dinner.

Jack radio in, uh in need direct assistance please.

Divine: Your buddy mark says, "Go left and down the E Sector. You are home free. But watch out for creatures.

Jack is running like hell through hallways, shooting at creatures behind him, and sliding to Sector E corner.

Jack seems to see Tall creature eyes are gone, his veins pumping out radioactive black liquids on the ground coming right at him.

Jack jumped over some barrels and climbed up the ladder.

Creature jumps on him, bitten his arm and neck.

Jack: Tell my sister she has to tell my wife I love her all my heart. I hope she is alright with the baby on-way.

Jack pulls out the bomb device switch, pushing it.

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