chapter 24 I don't need hear that.

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Divine sits at her desk, her expression determined, while Zaylora watches the tense conversation taking place between Divine and General Mother, Divine's commanding officer and mother figure.

Divine, there is no place for personal relationships on the battlefield. As a soldier, your focus should be solely on your duty, not on forming attachments that can compromise your judgment and put others at risk.

Divine's eyes narrow slightly, her voice steady as she responds.

General, with all due respect, love is not a liability. It gives me strength and purpose, and it doesn't distract me from my responsibilities as a soldier. I have the right to love, just like anyone else.

General Mother's stern expression softens for a moment, a flicker of understanding crossing her face.

Divine, I understand your desire for companionship and love. But history has taught me the consequences of personal connections affecting decisions on the battlefield. I've seen it tear soldiers apart, and I don't want that for you.

Divine stands up, her voice filled with both determination and emotion.

I appreciate your concern, General, but this is a war where lives are at stake. Love brings me strength, not weakness. Zaylora has been by my side, supporting me, and that only enhances my ability to lead and protect. I won't let fear dictate my choices.

General Mother sighs, her eyes showing a mix of concern and fondness for Divine.

You're your father's daughter, always fiercely independent and refusing to conform. But remember, Divine, love can blind us to the realities of war. It's a fine line to walk.

Divine returns to her desk, her eyes meeting Zaylora's, an unspoken affirmation passing between them.

Zaylora and I understand the risks, General. We know the challenges we face, but we choose to stand together. Love does not cloud our judgment; it fuels our determination to protect and fight for what's right.

Zaylora nods, her gaze unwavering, as a quiet strength emanates from her.

General Mother, I respect your experience and wisdom. But please understand, our love only strengthens our resolve to make a difference. We're not blind to the consequences; we're prepared to face them together.

General Mother observes the display of conviction and devotion between the two lovers, a flicker of admiration crossing her features.

Very well, Divine. I can see that this love means everything to you. I won't stand in your way, but promise me you'll always prioritize the mission above all else.

Divine and Zaylora share a glance of gratitude before turning to face General Mother, their commitment to both love and duty shining in their eyes.

I promise, General. We'll honor our responsibilities and fight with every ounce of our beings. Love will not be a distraction but a source of strength.

General Mother nods, a sense of acceptance settling over her.

Then may love be your guiding light in the darkness of war. I trust that both of you will make me proud, on and off the battlefield.

As Divine and Zaylora exchange a subtle smile, a newfound understanding and acceptance begin to bridge the divide, paving the way for a future where love and duty can coexist in harmony.

 Stars of Love and Conflict Galactic Affair Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora