chapter 18 Workload plus you

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Divine, dressed in dark, lightweight attire, cautiously approaches the perimeter of Zaylora's home base. Moonlight casts faint shadows as she surveys the area, her eyes scanning for guards.

Crouching low, Divine makes a quick assessment of the fence that stands before her. With a determined gleam in her eyes, she takes a deep breath and leaps over it, landing silently on the other side.

Moving swiftly, Divine navigates through the shadows, staying close to the walls of buildings, avoiding the lighted areas where guards patrol. She carefully consulted the map she acquired, each step calculated to lead her closer to Zaylora's tent.

As she stealthily weaves her way through the winding corridors of the base, Divine relies on her agility and training to evade any guards that may cross her path. Her heart races, anticipation fueling her determination.

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