chapter 13, the Mission abandoned outpost, i found new recruit.

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(As Sunrises)

Divine  wakes up. 

Hears soldier  talking among them self about captain secret lover who visits her every night.

Divine gets up, puts on her uniform, and shadow gear.

SHe picked up her backup helmet and put it on.

Ai  hologram  logging her into shadow system.


Shadow To your personal System to From your Mother orders.

Ai, what name would you give me today, Mistress?

Divine: Slaria.

Ai Slaria: These are our tasks.

DIVINE: Switch to Military mode and Alert mode.

Slaria: Rebooting...

Slaria: These are missions sent from your higher-ups.

Mission 1, Find The Lost Information Location near Abandoned Alien base.

Mission 2, destroyed Outpost in southern. Completed  couple of days ago.

Mission 3, give assistance to the London Military base at Eastern Mountains.

Mission 4, Give assistance to army On-going Battle.

Mission 5. Not updated yet.

Tasks  current Outpost  cleared of creatures,

Locations of near Nest are found in directions of Southern caves.

Please  complete this task beforehand you go help London Military.

Divine: interesting.

Divine walks  out of her tent, but stops turns around and grabs her weapons.

Divine  command  her troops and ahead out of Outpost.

Outpost currently being guarded by green unit.

Divine took 63 soldiers.

Soldiers Marching alongside their Captain. 

[ walking in desert 🏜]

Soldier Mark: it's so Hot, how do you think Captain is holding up with that gear on.

Captain Divine looks completely fine. Due to her armor résistance to hot and cold weather's.

Soldiers keep  walking and alerter as ever.

Divine: Hold!

All soldiers  are holding their Squad formation as still and looking around for any movements.

Divine: Hmm. Something isn't right here.

Hologram Map, you have reached your location.

Divine turns on Live Video feed to high command headquarters.

Divine looks  around where the base is and why it is so quiet.

Divine realized something.

Divine  backing up  slowly.

The soldiers  found some huge rocks to hide behind.

Headquarters is watching the live feed from Divine Group.

Divine: Be quiet. You hear that. Something is moving underground.

Soldiers: listening to ground shaking  like it earthquake but lot differently in mass compared.

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