California Aphla outpost

3 0 0

As they reached the library's entrance, a figure emerged from the shadows. He was dressed in tattered armor, his eyes sunken and his skin pale.

"Who are you?" Mizuno asked, her hand on her gun.

The figure hesitated, then nodded. "I'm...I'm one of Dragon Squad. I've been sent to meet you."

Mizuno's eyes narrowed. "What's going on?"

The figure took a step forward. "We need your help. We've lost contact with our team members, and we think something is very wrong."

Mizuno's grip on her gun tightened. "What do you mean?"

The figure's eyes darted around nervously. "I don't know what's going on, but...but I think it's connected to the TX13 monsters."

Mizuno's eyes snapped back to the figure. "TX13 monsters?"

The figure nodded. "Yes...we've seen them roaming around. They're...they're not human anymore."

Mizuno's heart sank as she realized that this mission had just gotten a lot more complicated.

  (  couple hours later)

Mizuno's Running down to huge part of library building.

Her squad following behind her.

Huge slam of Metal doors  hit ground  behind Mizuno.

( serious)

Shit!  I going handle this on my own guys, just  find a way  get to me. 

"faint sounds from
other side of metal door"

Mizuno's eyes scanned the dusty, dimly lit room of the old library. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the sound of screams echoed through the corridors. She had arrived too late to stop the horror that had unfolded.

Before her, a group of Dragon Squad members were trapped in cages, their bodies twisted and contorted in agony. They were infected with the TX13 virus, their screams growing more frantic as they realized their fate.

Mizuno's gaze fell on the machine at the center of the room, its wires and cables pulsing with an otherworldly energy. Two rogue scientists, Dr. Rachel Kim and Dr. Liam Chen, stood beside it, their faces twisted with madness.

As Mizuno watched, a gang of Snakes, led by a burly man named Victor, approached the machine. They were armed to the teeth, and their leader sneered at Mizuno.

"Looks like you're too late to save your friends, Mizuno," Victor taunted. "These two geniuses have been working on a little project...and it's about to get very interesting."

Dr. Kim and Dr. Chen cackled maniacally as they connected the machine to the cages. The TX13 virus spread rapidly through the infected members of Dragon Squad, their bodies convulsing in agony.

Mizuno's eyes narrowed as she charged forward. "You're not going anywhere," she snarled, drawing her gun.

( Aftermath)



Mizuno sat in the Presidential bunker, her eyes locked onto President Sarah Plaisir's concerned face. The tension in the room was palpable as she began to recount the events that had transpired at the old library.

"It was a disaster, Madam President," Mizuno said, her voice firm but controlled. "I arrived too late to stop the horror that had unfolded. The Dragon Squad members were trapped in cages, infected with the TX13 virus. And two rogue scientists, Dr. Rachel Kim and Dr. Liam Chen, had been working on a machine to spread the virus."

President Sarah's eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed in concern. "Go on," she said.

Mizuno's gaze didn't waver. "As I entered the room, I found a gang of Snakes, led by Victor, attempting to take over the machine. They were armed to the teeth, and their leader sneered at me."

"Did you take them down?" President Sarah asked, her voice firm.

Mizuno nodded. "Yes, Madam President. I took down the gang members one by one, my movements swift and deadly."

"And what about the rogue scientists?" President Sarah asked.

Mizuno's expression turned grim. "I bound their hands behind their backs, Madam President. They were still cackling with madness, convinced that they could control the TX13 virus."

President Sarah's eyes flashed with anger. "What happened to them?"

Mizuno's gaze remained steady. "They're currently in custody, Madam President. But I know that they won't be easy to contain. They're convinced that they can spread the virus across the world and control it."

President Sarah's face turned grim. "We'll take care of them," she said. "But Mizuno, I want you to know that we appreciate your quick thinking and bravery. You may have saved countless lives today."

Mizuno's expression remained neutral, but a hint of pride crept into her voice. "It was just part of my job, Madam President."

President Sarah nodded, her eyes never leaving Mizuno's face. "I know it wasn't easy, but we need people like you on our team. We'll get through this crisis together."

Mizuno nodded, her expression softening ever so slightly. "Yes, Madam President. Together."

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