Chapter 8: Sunday Driving

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When Gabby returned to the room, Kacie and Layla were in bed, watching a movie on tv, eating ice cream, and wearing clay masks on their faces. They popped up as she walked into the room and set her purse and key on the table."Tell us everything, and I mean everything!" Kacie said as she jumped to her feet and dashed over to Gabby like a flash of lightning."Sorry to disappoint ya, but nothing happened. You know me better." Gabby smiled."Well, how was it? What did y'all do?" Layla was more sincere. Gabby told them of The Lakefront, the conversation, and more of Desmond.

"Gab, he sounds almost too perfect," Kacie said with a look.

"I know. It's weird. But I can't tell y'all how I feel right now. I haven't felt this way in so long. It's hard to explain." Gabby smiled and reminisced over the night."

"Didn't he walk you to the door? Why didn't he pick you up himself?" Layla asked.

"He didn't ride back with me either. He drove his car." Gabby responded, a bit confused as well."What? See, he isn't perfect after all." Kacie threw her hand up in the air."

He said he wanted to respect me. I think it's sweet." Gabby responded, flattered."That's so ancient, Gab. He's cute, rich, and could have any woman." Layla pointed out.

"I know. I don't understand everything, but after talking to him, I get it. He's different, y'all. I like being respected. It's about time. I mean, he's still a guy, I am sure his choices are not easy, but he seems sure of himself in them." Gabby explained.

"You seein' him again?" Kacie asked impatiently.

"Tomorrow." Gabby smiled widely.

"Aww, that's so cute," Layla said.

"I feel bad because this was supposed to be our trip." Gabby looked down at her hands as she sat on the bed.

"It's fine. We were going to check out some shops around the area. Maybe we can all catch up on Bourbon later?" Kacie said.

"Maybe., Gabby said reluctantly.

"Gab, can I just say this? You don't have to drink to have fun. We haven't really drunk much. We get it. We can have fun together no matter where we are or what we're doing." Layla said lovingly."

Thanks, Lay. That really means a lot. After everything that has happened this past year with Briar and my parents, and Shane, I need some encouragement. I think I was tryin' to prove to everyone that I was different. I love the way Desmond makes me feel safe and easy. There isn't pressure, and he has shown me a world beyond Bourbon Street for sure." Gabby said in tears.

"Well, we are having fun. Don't worry about us. We can find some shenanigans to get into, right Kace?" Layla winked.

"We will do more stuff together, I promise." Gabby hugged both of them and took off her romper and shoes to change into her pajamas.

"We know." Kacie smiled as she lay back in the bed. Early the following day, Gabby's phone dinged. She was barely awake when she pulled her head from the pillow to look at who it was. It was her mom.

"Gabby, just checking in. Hope you are okay."Gabby texted back right away."Hi, Mom. We're fine. Having fun. No worries."Good to know. Thank you for letting me know."

She set the phone back down. A minute or so after she did, it dinged once again. She picked it up. Desmond. It was only seven o'clock.

An early riser, she thought."Good morning. I hope you slept well. Picnic today at noon?" He said. Gabby smiled and felt warm reading his words.

"Good morning-slept just fine. Picnic sounds great!" She responded.

"A car will be there to pick you up at eleven-thirty sharp. See you later." He said.

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