Chapter 23: Up in the Air

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Desmond rushed to his car. Before leaving for the airport, he sent a quick group text.

"It's a go. Meet me at the airport ASAP." He clicked send and sped out of the driveway straight towards the airport. He felt a sense of peace flood over him. He still tried processing his new position within the company. He finally felt like he had a place there. The fresh start he had with Josse was a good feeling. Instead of being rivals, they were more like friends, good friends, not just brothers. He saw a bright future and a stronger-than-ever company.

His focus now was to get to Lake Shady Cove before Gabby did. The sellers would meet him there to finalize the sale and hand him over the keys. He was excited and excited over the possibility of Gabby becoming part of his world for good.

Desmond arrived at the airport just as the others did. They all boarded the jet and took their seats. Desmond quickly gave them the rundown on the plan to ensure everyone knew the parts they were to play.

"Has anyone heard from Gabby today?" Desmond asked.

"No. She hasn't texted at all. She also hasn't posted photos either, anywhere." Kacie said as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Do one of you want to check in with her, find out where she is?" Desmond asked

"I will." Layla pulled out her phone as they all waited for Gabby to respond.

"How did it go over with your family?" Jefferson asked.

"It went well, too well. Oh, and I got a small job promotion." Desmond sipped sparkling water, grinning.

"Oh yeah? That's great." Collin patted him on the back.

"You're looking at the new Hotel Bellefontaine and Resorts President." He sat up straight.

"Shut the front door!" Kacie bounced in her seat.

The guys laughed at her expression.

"Shut the front door? Does everyone speak that way in West Virginia?" Collin asked, laughing uncontrollably at her.

"Yep, we're awesome, and don't ya forget it." She winked.

"Crazy. But cool." He smiled.

"That's so good, Des. Congrats, man." Jefferson shook his hand.

"Thanks, thanks. It's a big deal. You know what else is a big deal?" Desmond grabbed his duffle bag and pulled out the box with his grandmother's ring.

"This." He opened it slowly to reveal a large, shiny diamond ring.

"I just hallucinated. Sorry." Kacie joked as she blinked her eyes intermittently.

"Right?! It is my grandmother's. My grandfather gave it to her sixty years ago." He explained.

"Can I take it out of the box?" Kacie asked.

"Sure." Desmond agreed.

Kacie put it on her ring finger and held it out, admiring it.

"Yep, it will fit. We wear the same ring size. Amazingly, your grandmother and Gabby wear the same ring size. Coincidence? I think not." Kacie said as she returned the ring to the box and handed it to Desmond.

"Yeah, isn't that something?" He smiled as he held the ring close to his heart.

Gabby is texting me back; hold on.

"Hey, girl! I am leaving in two and a half hours. I should arrive this evening sometime."

Layla read the text to everyone and waited for Desmond to tell her what to say.

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