Chapter 10: Trouble Walks into The Big Easy

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Driving back into the city and returning to the bed and breakfast, Gabby pulled up to the curb and shut off the engine. She sat there, almost not knowing what to say suddenly. Desmond chuckled under his breath, shaking his head. The only light shone from the street light above them.

"What are you laughin' at?" Gabby asked, laughing herself.

"I went and did it," Desmond responded, still laughing and looking out the window.

"What?" She asked.

"I just realized we were alone all day." He said.

Gabby let that sink in for a moment, unsure what to say.

"I told you I wouldn't do that, but I didn't think." He admitted.

"It all worked out. We are good." She reassured him.

"We are. I can't explain it. I won't lie, you are beautiful, I mean very beautiful. That is what makes this all so trivial for me. I don't want to give you the wrong idea. I am a man, through and through. I don't want that to get in the way of getting to know you, actually getting to know you, the real you. I want to respect you, as I mentioned before. We are grown up enough to know what jumping the gun would do to us. I didn't expect any of this. I just started working as the PR Executive for the hotel. I will be traveling once the summer is over. This is honestly the only downtime I will have in a long while. But I told my dad I would help until I started my architectural career. I want to make the most of this time, as I know you do. I feel horrible for pulling you away from your friends. I hope this isn't complicating things between the three of you." He said.

Once again, Gabby couldn't breathe. She looked over at him with a deeper sense of respect. This was a dream; it had to be. No man is this perfect-none. She couldn't help but fall in love with his respect for every person in his life, whether he had known them his entire life or for a few days as he did her.

"The girls are fine with it. They understand. Given the year I have had, they are just excited that I am talking to a guy again. Shane ripped me apart, that's for sure. But being here, with you, I have remembered again what it's like to live. I don't know what to do with my degree; I haven't gotten that far yet. I feel that I have the same love for architecture as you and your grandparents. Right now, I want to live, live life every day, and take chances. We aren't guaranteed a tomorrow." Gabby said as she sat back in the seat.

"I'm glad you're here." Desmond looked over at her.

"I don't know what "this" is, but I like it." She smiled and moved her body around in the seat, feeling happy.

"Let's not think about that. Let's enjoy what time you have left here." He nodded.

Gabby had forgotten about leaving. She would be boarding a plane in a little over a week. Something inside of her hurt knowing this. Was it ridiculous that New Orleans was growing on her? It wasn't the neon of Bourbon Street, the way the city intoxicated her without a shot of whiskey; it was him. It was Desmond in all his respect, love, and care for real things. It was there with him in the million-dollar car, on a city street at midnight, alone, just being in the moment.

"I have plans with my family tomorrow. Can we catch up soon? I'll text you." He asked.

"Of course, sure. That would be just fine." She agreed.

"Good, can't wait." He smiled.

"Good." She smiled back.

Gabby was opening the door after grabbing her purse as he took her arm. She looked over at him and sat back in the seat.

"Can I take our picture?" He asked boyishly.

Gabby couldn't help but feel every emotion from that one question.

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