Chapter 28: Rekindled

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Desmond woke feeling fully rested. It had been a while since he felt that way. Waking in the house at sunrise on Lake Shady Cove made him feel a sense of peace. He wondered how many times Gabby had been here. Jefferson and Collin were still asleep. Desmond quietly walked downstairs to the kitchen. He asked if there was any chance of coffee anywhere. He opened the cupboard and discovered it was fully stocked, and it looked as if it had recently been done so. He thought of George and Joanna and their hospitality and wondered if they did this for him. He then opened the refrigerator to discover various beverages, including water, juice, and milk.

He discovered a note he had yet to see on the kitchen table. It had his name on the front.

"Life is better on the Lake! Thank you. Good luck, and enjoy!"

Desmond smiled at this lovely gesture. Folks in West Virginia were special. He almost felt like he was meant to be here. Gabby being born and raised there made him feel close to this place. After he made coffee, he opened the doors leading out to the front deck facing the Lake. He set his hot cup on a table, pulled out his phone, took a few quick photos, and sent them to his family. He smiled as he looked back at the pictures. Everyone quickly responded, telling him how beautiful it was there and how much they couldn't wait to visit there. His grandparents said they could easily spend their time there. He sat outside, thinking about how excited he was to see Gabby.

Gabby opened her eyes slowly to focus on the room. She rolled around her bed and remembered Shane being there the night before. She looked around to the floor, where he was still sleeping soundly. It felt strange seeing him there. She grabbed her phone and made her way outside on the back porch. Her parents were gone. They had yet to learn Shane stayed over. They would have been furious.

His truck isn't here. Thank goodness.

The last thing she needed was a bunch of questions. She wasn't prepared to answer them right now. Everything still felt fresh and surreal to her. Shane coming back was not what she expected; never in a million years did she think last night would happen. They talked most of the night. Gabby slept in her bed as he slept on the floor. It was the right thing to do. Shane was never one to push, just like Desmond. Somehow, Gabby got very lucky in that regard. She wasn't ready to give that part of herself away. She always knew she would wait for marriage.

She sat outside looking up at the same early morning sky as Desmond was. She hadn't thought of him much after Shane arrived back. But for a moment, while sitting on her back porch, she began thinking of him. She opened her socials and looked at his photos. Nothing new since she was there, odd. She noticed he was online. He didn't delete her off anything, and she wasn't ready to do it. She was tempted to check in on him as she saw he was only a direct message away. But something inside of her couldn't do it. She decided against it. Shane was inside her house, asleep on her bedroom floor, expecting her to choose him. She kissed him and loved his words and eyes, but what was missing? What was preventing her from choosing him entirely? She was lonely, but was that the reason she let him stay? Was it because she couldn't bear being rejected and unloved? With Desmond, she was loved and adored and loved totally.

Despite their past, her relationship with Shane was less complicated. They knew each other. They had suffered their fair share of speed bumps, but he was more like her. They both grew up in Sparksville from babies until Shane moved to Nashville. They were in the same classes all through school. She was the homecoming queen; he was the homecoming king. She was captain of the cheerleading squad; he was the quarterback. They were even Prom king and queen. People looked at them just as they did Desmond and Madeline. They were the couple of New Orleans, and Shane and Gabby were Sparksville-two, two completely different worlds.

He was back in Sparksville and back in her life. She wondered what Kacie and Layla would think of this whole thing. They would be furious and ask if she had finally lost her mind. She valued their friendship but had to do what she felt was best for her. She hoped she would see the signs of any trouble and she would know what to do. Right now, she couldn't be alone. Shane was familiar. At one time, he was the most crucial part of it. Some time had passed, and she wondered if they had grown up and were finally ready for the next level.

Shane emerged from the back door and went outside to join her. He looked as if he slept well. His hair was messy, and his eyes were puffy from lack of sleep. He kissed her cheek and sat beside her as they looked out to the pasture with cows and horses behind her house.

"Mornin' gorgeous." He said as he looked at her with a grin.

"Good mornin'. I would ask if you slept well, but I know you didn't sleep enough." Gabby said with a laugh.

'Right? Why are you awake?" Shane asked as he pushed his hands through his hair.

"I don't know. I just woke up. I needed to come out here and think." She began.

"Are you regretting last night-regretting letting me in your bedroom at midnight to pour my heart out? Your parents left early." Shane joked.

"Yes, they did. I don't know where they went. They don't have work today. Who knows with those two? They act like kids nowadays. I am glad you came over. I have so much going on in my head right now. I am trying to sort it all out. So much has happened. Please be patient with me." Gabby pleaded.

Shane turned his chair to face her and reached out for her hands.

"Gab, I have known you forever. I know you better than most people. We've been through it all. I am not asking you to make any permanent decisions about me. I am only askin' for a chance to prove to you how sorry I am and how much I have missed ya. I love you; you know that, right?" Shane looked deep into her eyes, not looking away.

Gabby looked down and back up to him, taking in his words.

"Thank you for sayin' that. New Orleans was a lot on me. I am not the same, Shane. I want you to know that I am damaged. You damaged me. I do forgive you for leavin', and I do understand. I am willin' to give us another chance if you can see me through all of my insecurities and fears." Gabby went on.

"I'm here, babe. Whatever you need." Shane leaned in and kissed her gently. She couldn't deny how good it felt to be loved by him again. This was good.

"Hey, I have an idea. Let's get out of here." Shane said as she stood.

"Where?" Gabby laughed at his words.

"Anywhere. Let's get lost." Shane said calmly.

"When?" Gabby stood and leaned over the porch railing.

"Now. Let's go, Gab. Let's go on a new adventure together." He took her hand.

"Okay, let's do it." Gabby nodded and smiled.

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