Chapter 26: Reunited

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The following morning, Irene knocked on Gabby's bedroom door. Gabby was half asleep but responded to her knock.

"Come in, Mom." She responded.

"Morning, honey. I thought you were awake. Do you want to go to the grocery store with me?" Irene asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll get ready." Gabby stretched.

"Okay, sounds good. Irene stood and left the room.

Gabby rolled over, looked at her phone, and couldn't help but be relieved Kacie and Layla were coming home. She would have liked to have gone to the airport to welcome them home, but she knew how much their parents wanted to pick them up. Gabby would wait until they got home.

She dressed, brushed her teeth and hair, washed her face, and put on makeup. She emerged from the bedroom to see her mom on the phone, quietly speaking to someone on the other line. When she saw Gabby enter the room, she quickly got off the phone and put it in her purse.

"You ready?" Irene asked.

"Who was that?" Gabby asked as she opened the refrigerator to get some orange juice.

"Oh, it was Carolyn." Irene shook her head.

Carolyn was Kacie's mom. She and Irene were best friends. There wasn't anything unusual about her calling. She was probably checking in. Kacie and Layla had texted Gabby since returning, pretending to still be in New Orleans. Gabby still had no clue that there was a big plan behind her back involving everyone she and Desmond loved.

Riding in her mom's car, she sat back, looking out the window at everything as it passed. The same places, nothing new-but, a different vibe now. No matter how hard she tried ignoring this, it wasn't going away. This place was all she knew. As they passed the high school, she remembered her time there, football games, summer nights with Kacie and Layla and their friends driving around town, and hot nights at the lake, laughing, swimming, and making memories. Now, it all seemed so long ago, so strange.

Desmond texted Irene, not Carolyn. Irene felt terrible not being honest with Gabby, but in the end, she knew it wouldn't matter once she saw Desmond. She called him quickly, thinking Gabby would take longer to get ready. He was checking in on her and making sure everything was still good on their end. He was happy to know it was. He wanted to ask about Gabby, but there needed to be more time. She walked into the kitchen, and Irene had to end the call. While Irene and Gabby were at the grocery store and nowhere near home, the airport, or Kacie and Layla's house.

At eleven o'clock, Desmond, Jefferson, and Collin arrived at Lake Shady Cove. Desmond was more impressed by what it looked like in person than in photos. He could see how much Gabby and her friends and family loved this place. He was in love as he pulled down a long driveway and approached the main house. It was everything he knew it would be and more. Exiting the car, they went to the house and met the sellers, George and Joanna Hollingsworth. They were a middle-aged couple and as lovely as they came.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth, how are you?" Desmond stuck out his hand to shake as he stepped onto the house's front deck where they were waiting.

"Call us George and Joanna," Joanna said as she laughed.

"Okay. I can do that." Desmond said politely.

"How was the drive? Good to see you found us alright." George said jovially.

"It was nice. Wow, this place is pretty amazing. A lot different than back home." Desmond said as he looked around.

"Yeah, it's a nice place. We lived in the main house for ten years, then decided to build a nearby home. We started renting it out to guests and the five cabins nearby. We can take a walk if you'd like." George explained.

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