Chapter 31: 3:00 AM

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Kacie and Layla had an idea of where Gabby could be. Since she and Shane weren't staying at a cabin, they knew they had to be at the campsite. They only knew they needed to get Gabby alone to talk to her. They had to find out what was happening and fast.

"It would be nice to catch her going to the showers. We have to talk to her." Kacie said as they drove to the campground.

"We can wait near the bathrooms and showers and see if she comes. If I know Gabby, she will before the night's end." Layla said, hopeful.

They pulled close to where they needed to be and parked, waiting for her. Kacie's car was black, so it wasn't easily spotted, and Gabby wouldn't suspect them being there anyway. Layla looked at her phone; it was now getting close to midnight.

"Surely she isn't sleeping. We never go to sleep this early when we come here." Kacie said.

"No, she isn't sleeping; she just isn't coming to the bathroom yet," Layla noted.

"We will have to wait. This is the only way we can talk to her, Lay. Desmond is a train wreck. He would be destroyed if he knew all of this was going on. What are you doin', Gab?" Kacie retorted.

"We will talk to her, alright? There is no way she could be back with Shane. I think our girl had gone and lost her mind when we weren't lookin'. Layla said, equally as angry.

Desmond was back inside the house and in his bedroom. He was lying on the bed with the pillows over his face, lights off, playing music on his phone. Jefferson knocked and entered the room quietly.

"How ya doin', bro?" Jefferson asked.

"I'm drunk, Jeff," Desmond responded, still covering his face.

"Yeah, I know. Do you need anything? Water?" Jefferson asked.

Desmond held a bottle of water up without removing the pillow from his face.

"Good. Other than water, do you need anything, buddy?" Jefferson continued.

"I need Gabby to come here to ask her to marry me," Desmond said bluntly.

Jefferson sat on the edge of the bed as Desmond pulled the pillows from his face but didn't sit up.

"Man, maybe we need to go back home. I know you are holding out hope for Gabby. She could still call you. You guys can still talk, but you might not be able to do it the way you wanted." Jefferson began.

Desmond shook his head as tears fell from his eyes.

"Why is this happening to me? All I ever wanted was to be a good guy, a better guy. Do you remember how I used to be? I even tried with Madeline when I knew that relationship was dead. Gabby is the one. I need her to see that. I need her to remember what we had when she was in New Orleans. How can I do that? Because if you can tell me, I will do it. I will do anything." Desmond said, trying to compose himself.

"Yes, she may not see it today or tomorrow, but she will. She will regret this. I have a feeling about it." Jefferson encouraged.

"I will call the airport in the morning. We can leave for New Orleans tomorrow." Desmond said as he replaced the pillow over his head.

"What about Lake Shady Cove? Are you going to go through with buying this place?" Jefferson asked.

"It's a smart business move; I will keep it. Good night, man." Desmond said as he kept the pillow firmly over his eyes.

Kacie and Layla were still waiting on Gabby to show up. They sat there and talked, trying to figure this whole thing out. It's almost two o'clock now. She has yet to show up. What is she doin'? Layla asked, frustrated.

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