Chapter 36: Worlds Collide

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Desmond pulled Gabby into the house and shut the door behind him. He looked at her, and tears were streaming down his face. He was speechless still. He pulled her close again and tightly squeezed her. They were both crying, smiling, and laughing, happy to see each other this way. Desmond was finally able to form words through his tears.

"You're here. I knew you would find the letter and the necklace. I don't know how I would, but I just knew. I am so happy to see you. You're here in my house. I wasn't ready. Sorry." Desmond looked around, anxious and voice quivering.

Gabby took his hand and led him through the living room, dining room, and kitchen to the courtyard. It was lit with lights, and the pool was clean and inviting. She took him to a chair and made him sit. She stood there looking down at him, smiling, calm.

He looked up at her with a confused look at her silence as she spoke loudly with her actions. He smiled broadly at her beauty. It was all so overwhelming to him; he couldn't believe this woman he wanted for life was standing before him-chose him after all.

"Desmond, you are the one. I am sorry I didn't listen to you. My search is over; I am tired of running down dead-end roads leading to nowhere. When I met you, I know now that God had everything to do with it. I--" She began.

Desmond stood, took her head between his hands, and kissed her once again, not letting her move. She could feel the effects of the kiss as a kiss from someone you are in love with. She wondered what changed. He wouldn't kiss her before-he, never tried. But now, everything has shifted. She wasn't mad, it felt right, and Desmond seemed comfortable and unbothered by initiating it.

"Stop talking. It's my turn. You talk too much." He pulled her face back as he joked.

"I do, huh? You don't like it when I talk to you, sweet?" She asked, giving him a side-eye.

"Maybe. But I need to talk to you right now. You can talk later. I'm sure what you have to say isn't that important. It can wait." He continued with the jokes.

"Whatever you say, sir." She nodded and sat.

"My life was a mess before you. Your being here makes sense. You already know how I feel. I don't care how long we've known or haven't known each other. I can't do life without you. Please don't leave me." Desmond began.

The ring. I can't do this without the ring.

Desmond rehearsed what he would say to Gabby that night at Lake Shady Cove a million times. He threw all of that out the window. This is where he was doing this. He still wanted it to be perfect.

"I'll be right back." He put a finger up to suggest waiting for a second.

Gabby looked at him, confused by his halt in words.

"Uh, okay." She smiled as he rushed past her and back inside the house.

Bathroom break?

Desmond dashed up the stairs, nearly falling. He pulled the ring from his bag in his bedroom and quickly opened it to take one last look.

I am about to ask a beautiful woman to marry me. Please say yes, Gabby.

He closed the box and turned to run back downstairs. His heart was pounding, and he was sweating. Why was he so nervous? He knew this was what he wanted.

As he approached the double doors leading to the courtyard, he stopped short and out of sight of Gabby, who was standing opposite of him in that beautiful dress, long brown hair that fell down her back in loose curls, face beaming. He watched her looking at the pool, almost swaying to the city sounds. The wind blew slightly, moving her dress and hair aimlessly. She had removed her shoes to poke her toes into the water as she smiled. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Suddenly then and there, he saw his future. He saw her in a different light.

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