Chapter 9: Humble Abode

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"Turn here." Desmond pointed as Gabby drove down a street. She didn't' know where they were, but it was a more relaxed place. The road was lined with Victorian-style homes rich in history and a sight to see. Gabby was overwhelmed and nearly brought to tears. She studied these types of homes in college and fell in love with the style, and she was always increasingly interested in the stories behind the houses.

"Desmond, they are all so beautiful. I can't get over it." Gabby said as she drove slowly.

"Aren't they, though? I never get enough of them. Pull in over here." Desmond pointed to the curb.

As she put the car in park, he emerged from the car and stood there facing a house. He removed his sunglasses, clipped them onto his t-shirt's neck, and put his hands in his pockets. He leaned against the car and stood there. Gabby got out of the car and joined him facing the house.

"What do you think of this one? Do you think this one is good?" Desmond said as he tilted his head.

"Seriously? Are you kidding?" Gabby responded with wide eyes.

"Yeah, what do you think?" He went on.

"Well, it's one of a kind, for sure. It looks like Greek Revival. Possibly mid-1800s, mature plantings, Corinthian columns." Gabby said as she looked at the house.

"Very good." Desmond looked over at her, impressed by her knowledge.

"See, I am not a complete idiot." She said sarcastically.

"Not you. Never." He smiled and held his eyes on hers.

"It's gorgeous." She said in admiration.

"I think we should go in," Desmond said as he walked to the gate.

"Um, what? Is it for sale or something? Does anyone live here?" She asked, confused.

"It's not for sale, and yes, someone does live here, but I am sure they won't care. I will tell them who I am. I am sure they won't mind. Come on." He smiled and motioned for her to follow him.

"Desmond. You can't just---" Gabby looked around.

"Sure. Let's do something rebellious." He laughed and kept walking through the gate and to the front door.

Reluctantly, Gabby followed, looking around for anyone who might see them.

They reached the front door, and Desmond looked around to mock Gabby. She hit him playfully on the arm.

"Oh no! The Garden District Police might arrest us. Whatever shall we do?" He joked as he opened the door with wide eyes.

"Desmond, you opened the door. Wouldn't this place be locked?" She asked.

"Well, yeah, it should be. That is a problem. Maybe I should look into that." He smiled and shook his head.

"Come on." He said as he stepped inside the house.

Gabby followed and closed the door behind her. She stood there, almost paralyzed by what her eyes were seeing. This was the most beautiful home she had ever seen or been inside of, for that matter. She only saw photographs of such houses and was now physically in one.

As she stood there looking at the newly renovated rooms, she couldn't breathe. Desmond left the room, walked into other rooms, and then returned to her again.

"Wow," Gabby said as she tried to find more words.

The floors were deep brown hardwood. The walls were white, and each room had a large antique chandelier hanging in the center. A narrow staircase at the entrance led to the second floor. A piano sat in the corner of the front room, entirely furnished with antique furniture and old art hung on the walls. A black fireplace faced the outer wall. The same style fireplace was also in the dining room.

Crescent City Summerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن