Chapter 33: Sunrise

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Gabby remained in her chair as she sat alone at the house, thinking and crying. She hoped Desmond would change his mind and come back downstairs to where she was. As the hours passed, she would look behind her and upstairs to the room he was sleeping in and pray for the light to switch on. She wondered if he was up there thinking of her, wanting to give her a chance. He never did. She knew the sunrise would come soon. Shane was still at the campsite; she needed to return to him. Everything had shifted suddenly. Seeing Desmond again and him walking out gave her mixed emotions. She was happy to see him but hated that she wasn't his favorite person. Gabby wished she could return to when they were first together, running around New Orleans, wild, free, and falling in love. Now, she was feeling the effects of her decisions.

After he left her, she repeatedly sat there, replaying everything in her head. She knew Desmond was right. She needed to start thinking things through better. It wasn't smart jumping back in with Shane. It was ironic how of all people who opened her eyes to that was Desmond. The same Desmond who protected her that night in New Orleans at The Old Absinthe. The same Desmond who showed her around the city. Her thoughts went back to every look, smile, and touch. He was here in West Virginia because of her. She sobbed more and more every time she thought of what he did for her and how he treated her like a woman should be treated. He never asked for anything but her love.

She stood and entered the house quietly. She assumed Kacie and Layla had fallen asleep at some point, and Jefferson and Collin. The only way to get back to the campsite was by taking Kacie's car. She had no choice but to drive herself or wake Kacie up to ask her to take her. Under the circumstances, she chose to drive. She would need her car keys. She walked inside a restroom downstairs and looked at herself in the mirror. She despised her reflection. She took a washcloth nearby and washed her face. The hot washcloth felt good on her skin. Her eyes were burning and sore from the crying, and her face was puffy. She was beyond exhausted and could barely put one foot in front of the other. Despite everyone saying she was beautiful, she looked and felt hideous.

She carefully climbed the stairs to find Kacie and Layla's room. She knew they would be sharing. Fortunately for Gabby, she didn't need to guess which room was theirs. Jefferson and Collin shared a room. Their door was open slightly as they slept. She knew which room was Desmond's, thank goodness. She opened the door to see Kacie and Layla still sleeping peacefully. She spotted Kacie's phone and keys on the desk before the window. She grabbed them and carefully exited the room to go back downstairs. She would text Kacie once she left, telling her she took her car and she could pick it up at the campsite. Before walking down the stairs, she strolled to Desmond's door. She had no reason to do it, but she had to. His door was open partially. She wondered if there was something behind that. Why wouldn't he push his door closed?

Something inside her needed to see his face again, not angry, sad, or hurt. She had never seen him sleeping before. Her heart raced as she pushed the door open, and she was relieved when it didn't squeak or make a sound. The room was big for one person. Then again, Desmond was used to being in a bedroom alone. He was also used to big spaces. He was sound asleep in the bed with the blanket covering his legs. He never stirred once while she was in the room.

He looks so peaceful. I only wish that were true.

Gabby stood there for what felt like an eternity watching him sleep. The light slowly lit up the room through the window behind his bed.

What have I done? I'm so sorry, Desmond. Please forgive me.

She turned to leave but stopped short at the desk in front of the other window. She knew looking at Desmond's things was wrong, but she couldn't help it. Without touching anything and keeping her eye on him, she noticed paperwork lying there regarding the purchase of the house and property.

Two million. Please don't pass out here in his room.

Next to the paperwork was a title for a truck. Gabby realized it was George's truck downstairs, and Desmond bought that, too. What was going on here? There seemed to be so much going on, and Gabby was hurt not knowing what it was. She picked up the shirt he was wearing the night before without thinking, pulled it to her face, and took in the smell.

His smell. The smell.

She nearly cried there as she took in the smell again, knowing she would never again smell such a scent. Never again will there be a Desmond Bellefontaine in her life? That was a harsh reality she was facing. She placed the shirt back where it was and saw a suit hanging in the closet, neat and wealthy looking. Her eyes looked over at the nightstand next to his bed. She saw a box next to the lamp and was curious. She knew it was stupid to open it that close to him. She couldn't help herself.

What am I doin'? He is right here.

Looking down and starting to pick up the box, he rolled over and scared her. She darted to the closet without making a sound. Closing the door, she stood there for a few minutes, ensuring nobody was entering the room or he wasn't getting up for any reason. When she heard nothing, she looked out and slowly returned to the nightstand. Still sleeping soundly and taking shallow breaths, Desmond didn't move again.

She picked up the box and opened it to find something that brought tears to her eyes. She covered her mouth to prevent a sound from coming out accidentally. It was her crescent moon necklace he gave her that night at the Lighthouse. She never thought she'd see it again, and now, with it in her hand, she longed to have it again. He brought it here and gave it to her. He had to make an intentional decision to bring it. He knew she would want it back. She closed the box and wiped her tears with her hand. She wanted to kiss him. Looking at him and his gorgeous face was difficult. She wondered about his future. Who would be the lucky Mrs. Desmond Bellefontaine? Who would share that beautiful home with him? Who would love him as she should have? Who would have the privilege of having his children? Who would he grow old with? Those questions ran around her mind as she stood there one last time. She wanted to lean in and take in one last smell of him but knew it would be dangerous.

She didn't know that the engagement ring that belonged to his grandmother was tucked under his pillow. He put it there after he left Gabby downstairs alone as he lay there crying himself to sleep. Every night since arriving at the Lake, he would put the necklace and ring under his pillow to feel close to her. He would return to New Orleans and return the ring to his grandmother, who would put it away for another time. This stabbed him in the heart.

Before she left the room, she turned and blew him a kiss.

Goodbye, Desmond. I love you.

As she slowly left the room and went downstairs, the light was beginning to pour in more. She got into Kacie's car and drove away, sobbing loudly as she wanted to all night.

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