Chapter 2 - When worlds collide

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I felt cold. From head to toe I felt cold. I felt cold inside my bones. I felt empty and cold. 

I could here the distant beeping. The sound was similar to the heart monitor I saw in movies. Was I in the hospital? The beeping of the monitor picked up pace as I woke up. Slowly opening my eyes to the white ceiling. 

I was in a hospital. I put my head up slowly. I could feel a mild ache at the back of my head. I tried to look around. The room was small and the curtain on the left was pulled to hide the bed next to me. The door was wide open and I could see a few nurses walking up and down the corridor. I could hear the faint talking of people and my monitor picking up on my heart beat. I looked down. 

I had an IV needle on my left hand and bandages on my right. I couldn't move much. But I felt dull. All my sensations were dulled. I could feel the sheet beneath me and I clutched it with my left palm. I was medicated. I felt drowsy and I wanted to go back to sleep. 

I should go to sleep, I thought to myself. I tried my best to remain calm but something hit me. My last memory. The car, the accident, my parents. I felt a surge of energy rushing in my body. 

I jolted up from my bed and felt the sting of the IV needle as I pulled my hand to remove the blanket over me. My legs were fine. Except for a few bruises nothing major. I pushed my hips and placed my bare legs on the floor. The moment my legs touched the cold floor my knees buckled and I fell. My right shoulder took most of the impact. But as I fell the chair tipped over. The chair which was place so very close to the right of me. The commotion was loud. I couldn't feel my legs. I whimpered. The IV was stretched to its limits.  If I pulled any harder I could have ripped it off my skin. 

Two nurses clad in blue walked in with worried faces. One man with curly dark hair and the another women with short dark hair. The women walked towards me and tries to pick me up. 

"Hey you should have called us. We could have helped you out." She said as she picks me up and places me back on the bed. I waddle back in bed. My legs still asleep. Maybe I was out for a while. My body forgot how to function normally. 

"Where am I?" I asked the nurse with the short dark hair. 

"You are in St. Mary's hospital. You had a really bad accident. You were brough in two weeks ago." 

"My parents. What about my parents?"

The two nurses looked at each other as if they were communicating with their eyes. The short haired nurse looked at me with pity and said "Sweetie when the car wrecked only your body was found. We have not found your parents yet. I am so sorry." 

"That's good right?" I said panicking. "That means they are alive right?" I asked worried and the beeping started to go faster. 

They both were silent. 

"How about I give you something for you to sleep? Your brother will come soon and explain everything to you."

My brother? Nathaniel was here? He came back for me? For us? 

"I don't want to go to sleep. I want to stay awake. " I told the nurse. 

"Okay then. How about we get you something to eat and clean you up." 

I nodded. 

I was dissociating. I was clearly not feeling connected to reality. I was doing the things I needed to do to stay functional but I did not feel like my mind was present. I ate and took a bath. I changed into new robes and I sat there on my bed. Waiting. Waiting for my brother. How long as it been since I have seen him? Did he grow tall? Does he look the same? Will I recognize him? Will he come back and stay with us? All these questions rushed in my mind. The excitement I had to meet my brother clouded the fact that my parents were still missing. I was avoiding the worst case scenario.  Were my parents gone forever? 

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