Chapter 28 - My escape

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I was dragged by the hand by Ramon and he places me right in front of the vampire being drained.

"That will be your master soon." He whispered right at my ear.

"He is not my master!" I jerk and escape from his grasp. "What is wrong with all you people?"  I screamed.

With that the vampire on the bed wakes up. He looks around the room and places his eyes at me. His eyes widened with realization.

"Princess. Princess save me. Please save me." He begged.

Something inside me twisted. There it was. The feeling of helplessness.

"Please princess. I was there at the party. Master Samael knows me. Please save me."

"Shut up you parasite." Ramon threw a bloody cloth at his face.  Ramon pushed me back to Nathaniel. "Drain him quickly I don't want him talking."

The old man just look at Ramon. As if he was used to his tantrums. But he followed as instructed. The filled jars of blood was replaced with new ones and instantly the vampire lost his consciousness.

"This is how you kill vampires?" I ask Ramon.

"Can't kill them that quick. They heal quickly. If we carefully draw blood at the right speed the body keeps on making it and we get an infinite supply of vampire blood."

"Basically you are nothing without it." I said trying to provoke him.

Ramon was taken aback and looks at me. I have been pushing his buttons for quite some time now.

"I can and I will take down the whole lot of those blood suckers with a shotgun and a cigarette. Don't fucking provoke me sweetheart." He said threateningly.

Dogs always barked. But now I was worried if this dog might bite as well.

Nathan pulled me aside and pushed me out of the room.

"I will take care of her. I am taking her to the main house."

He said as he pushes me outside the surgical room.

We walk silently up the staircase and finally we reach the kitchen. Only after the basement door was closed that Nathan talksled to me.

"What is wrong with you? Provoking hunters like that. You are lucky you are related to Samael or else you would be dead meat."

"I am related to you. You are my brother!" I screamed at him. Not being able to handle the stress anymore.

I was angry. I was angry that the brother who was supposed to protect me and keep me safe is not doing any of that. Instead he is ready to hurt me if needed. This is not fair. My only family against me.

"I am not your brother. We are not related Sarah."

"You are lying." I look at him shocked.

"I am not. We are not related by blood. Neither are you related to my folks. They adopted you when you were a baby."

"I don't understand." I walk towards the living room and sit on the dusty couch.

I couldn't stand or breathe anymore. It felt like the air in my lungs were sucked out.

" You have been living a lie all this time. My parents were protecting you even if it meant that they would have to abandon their own biological son." Nathan sneered at me.

"We searched for you. For years." I told him apologetically. Feeling guilty. As if him being recruited by the hunters was my fault. Maybe it was. Maybe this was karma.

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