Chapter 24 - A pureblood's idea of fun

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I rip my hand off Ivan's mouth. 

"You wouldn't fucking dare." I say as I jump out of his way back to standing in front of him. The lady was lying unconscious on the couch. 

"Is she dead?" I asked worried. 

"Far from it. She will live." Ivan says as he lays back down. The other girl extends her arm to Ivan. He grabs on to it and starts drinking her blood. She has the same reaction and in a minute faints on him. He pushes her away. 

"The façade the brothers put is so pathetic. I could laugh." 

"I knew there was something wrong with you." I said looking at him. 

One moment he was sitting on the couch the next he was standing right in front of me. 

"Nothing wrong in allowing your natural tendencies to show. We are vampires not dolls to sit out perfectly." He said holding my chin. 

"You are nothing but a monster." I tell him off. His expression suddenly changed. He seemed angry now. 

"Well you boyfriend is just like me. In fact he is worse." Ivan mentions as he strides back to the chair and plops down.  

I look at him confused. 

"Marcus. He is just like me. He is the definition of a monster." Ivan said smiling. 

"You are lying. He wouldn't." 

"He was a beast. He wouldn't give a shit about these rules. He enjoyed it all. He was a real man. We use to finish up so many people in one go. I miss those days. He was fun." 

"The rules say you can only feed from the bag." I call him out. 

He bursts out laughing. "Rules! Rules are not for us honey. You think everyone in this world is a goody two shoes like you? God you are such a turn off." He said annoyed. 

I look around in the room. The drugs, the alcohol, the blood and the women. I was being subjected to all the horrors possible in one go. 

"Marcus would never hurt women. He is good." I stand up for him one last time. 

"Marcus used to fuck and kill anything that moved. You should have seen him. He was good at getting out a scream from humans. Until he stopped two decades ago." Ivan lights a cigarette. 

"I don't believe you. All you have done till now is lie." I scream at him. 

"You little pig." He said pointing at me. "All you are good for is slaughter. The only reason you are alive is because you are the only living one in Samael's bloodline. Or else I would have had you in a minute." 

A shiver run down my spine. 

"You know it was strange how quickly Marcus dropped this life. The hunting. He was a hunter. It was around the time they found out you were alive." Ivan mentions as he takes another puff from his cigarette. 

"They found me? What does that even mean?" I stood there waiting for an answer. The smell was making me sick. I did not want to sit next to him either. I rather let my legs go numb than sit beside him. 

"For a long time we thought Samael's bloodline was destroyed. You know the hunters are really good at making sure the purebloods don't have access to their own blood. You came out of no where. None of us knew about you until your accident."

"But Samael and Marcus has kept you a secret far longer than that. He might have even held you when you were a baby. Maybe that's why Marcus stopped all the fun. Knowing that there will be a girl in the family to join. He might have wanted to improve his reputation. As if he can." Ivan scoffed. 

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