Chapter 4 - Save and be saved

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The wind fluttered my robe and it rolled up till my hips. Thank god I had panties on. My hands still tied to my back I couldn't do much but remain in an unflattering situation. I looked up to see the two hunters taking out guns from hidden panels in the van. 

The crazy lady with the shotgun shot at the car right behind us. The car swerved and in that instant I could recognize who it was. It was Benjamin. He came to save me. 

Bang. Another shot at him. Both missed. 

The man took a machine gun loaded it and started to shoot at the car. Looking at the size of the gun and the bullets flying everywhere I doubt Benjamin could survive the attack. The hot shells shot back onto my legs. I winced as the scorching heat touched me. That will be leaving a scar for sure. 

I couldn't do much but watch two people annihilate a perfectly good car with bullets. Just my luck. After they are done with him they will deal with me. What could they be possibly planning on doing. 

As I put my head down, I had an idea spring up in my mind. What if....what if that worked.

To put my plan is action I got up and stood facing the car in front of me. The two hunters were still shooting at the car. As I got up. I could see Benjamin in the drivers seat, the front window frame was patches of broken glass. The damn car was bullet proof. A few more bullets and the entire entire thing would fall off and there would be nothing to save Benjamin from the hunters. Doesn't he have a gun? I thought to myself. He did have a weapon. Maybe he is not using it because..

"I am still in the van.." I whispered. 

The hunters were still at it. Using One magazine after another. These things popped up from no where. They will kill him. I needed to follow through with my plan. I looked directly at Benjamin. Poor guy looked back at me in utter shock as if he knew what I was planning to do. I gave him a nod and he nodded back in agreement. 

Then I ran. I ran with full force straight into the black car behind us. As the two hunters were busy taking down Benjamin they had not seen me get up and run. The moment I reached the edge of the van I jumped. Just as I jumped Benjamin swerved his car to the left. Leaving a nice empty road for me to fall on. I did exactly that. I fell and tumbled down the empty road. Every time I hit asphalt I let out a screech. I could feel my knees bruised raw. I couldn't breathe. It was hard to take a breathe as I rolled down the road and finally came to a stop. My hands still tied to my back I stood up and rushed to the side of the road. The van and the car now were far ahead of me. I limped ahead. I heard a loud crash. 

I could see the black car was drove right inside the van. Right inside it and drove back to the road. The van toppled due to the impact. The car stopped. and Benjamin got out the car with a freaking gun in his right hand. He walked right into the wreckage. The driver was first to go. He shot at him and in the darkness there was a bright glow. Just for a second. As he was walking to the back of the tipped over van. The male hunter came out and ran at Benjamin. I wouldn't have seen what was happening if it was not for the headlights perfectly positioned at the tipped over van.  

The hunter walked right into Benjamin with his fist held high. The first swig from the hunter was aimed at at Benjamins head. He dogged it. He dogged it quickly. The next few moves were quick and fast. Benjamin shot straight at the hunters chest.  The bullet proof vest might have saved him. But Benjamin did not stop. He pushed the hunter away. The hunter now bleeding from his mouth tried to take another swing at Benjamin. The last thing the hunter saw was Benjamin's gun logged inside his mouth and then a flash of light. In the distance I could see the back of the hunters head blow up. I could see the skull and brain splatter on the road and the hunter falling back. Benjamin did not stop there. He walked to the tipped over van and the lady hunter was trying crawl away. Benjamin held her down with his leg and pressed her wounded shoulder hard enough for her to cry out. 

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