Chapter 9 - Just like a movie

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"Vampires." On the screen there was a photograph of a painting. A large blond man riding a horse with a sword.

"They live among us and they have been a prominent part of our society. Be it any culture, country or religion. We have vampires in every corner." The teacher kept on changing the slides and I could see pictures of some very well known politicians, actors, social reformers and people who were responsible for revolutions that have occurred.

"How did vampires evolve? Let us go back a few thousand years. Just when we as humans were evolving. We were capable of hunting, gathering and making tools. The cave paintings and stories that has been shared from mouth to ear mentions the presence of a god rock. This may look like a rock but it was far from it. On you screen you can see red amber crystalized, that was dug from deep underground. Humans worshiped this crystal and believed it gave powers. The story diverges from here. Some mentions that the god powers was given to a chosen few while some believe that a group went rouge and try to become gods themselves. They crushed the amber and there was a red liquid that oozed out from it. A group of four were the ones who consumed it whole. Two men and two women." The professor goes on with the story and the slides showed rough diagrams of what actually happened.

"The process was painful. As they consumed the crystals along with the elixir. They were surely in pain yet they believed the red elixir would heal them completely. What they did not realize was that the crystals they consumed wounded their stomach and intestine making it easier for the virus within the amber to enter the body. After they drank the red liquid they were immobile for a while. They seemed dead to the rest of the world. No motion, no heart beat, no warmth and finally no breathing. The village they resided on saw this deceit and wanted to make an example of these traitors. Rather than burning the body, they buried it. These tribes believed that burning the body sends the dead into the heavens while burying the body caused them to go to hell, somewhere deep down the earth with no escape."

"It took five days for the complete transformation. On a rainy night four bodies emerged from their graves. Pale, red eyed, confused and most of all thirsty. The four gods then destroyed their entire village as they were hungry. In the process of becoming gods they lost any form of empathy or remorse. As they murdered their entire tribe the four gods realized they had powers. Inhuman strength was common with the transformation. One god had the power of foresight. They saw their future before it ever happened. One had the power to manipulate the elements. One had the power of telekinesis and the final god though did not have any physical powers was highly intellectual."

"Years would pass by while these gods realized that they were immortal. The virus prevented them to age. They could not breed either. They were not able to reproduce. But after a few hundred years they would discover the means by which they can convert a human into what we call vampires. It is required that there will be full mental and physical consent from the person who is being converted. If not the vampire formed would be equivalent to a deranged animal with an unquenchable thirst. The gods decided to share their powers with the trusted few and made sure that people who were active members of society such as painters, poets, scientists and anyone who had positive influence were given the gift. There is of course is a high council that decides these transformations now and registers the new born. It is a tedious process that takes months to decide as immortality is no joke."

"Death of these gods were impossible. As they were the first to drink from the amber. We believe these gods can undergo resting stages of hundreds of years and only involve if needed. There were ten humans converted by the gods. We call them purebloods as they received the blood from the gods themselves. Five men and five women. Prominent figures and heads of the times they were alive. These purebloods then converted other humans into vampires depending on the need or the requirement of someone equivalent to a child an heir of sorts. These purebloods were responsible for their family. Anyone they convert and whom ever their children converted. The purebloods are very strong. They have powers and strength that is incomparable. Their children also inherited powers. Death to the children was much more simple. Though they were immortal and strong, they can be destroyed and killed."

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