Chapter 18 - Blackout paradise

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One thing was for sure. No one can be trusted. After my episode in the storage I went directly to my room. Luckily Amelia was not there. I washed up quickly in the common girls bathroom we had in the same floor. After dinner I had to meet Samael again. I didn't want anyone noticing that I have been crying all this while. I was pretty silent throughout dinner.  Amelia kept the table entertained. The extrovert she was, everyone paid attention to her. I was glad. 

"I will see you in a while I have to meet someone." 

"Sure. Is everything alright?" Amelia sked worried. 

"Yeah everything is fine." I lied. I didn't feel like opening up to anyone. 

I was wearing a blue summer dress. I did not take a jacket. Which in hind sight was a bad idea. I walked all the way to the central building and took the elevator to the fifth floor. It hit me that I must be the only student here who has access to this floor. Should I see it as a good sign? I don't know. I don't know what I should believe and what I shouldn't. Everything was a mess. 

I had to get my game face on. You are not weak. You are not weak. You are not the victim. I kept on telling myself these things just to increase my confidence. The door to Samael's room was wide open. 

There were twice the number of people in the room than last time. I reached to the door frame and smiled looking at Sam. 

"Hey." I said masking the fact that was breaking inside. 

"Hey Sarah come sit." 

Samael was at his desk. Benjamin and Marcus sat on the sofa on the right while Ivan sat manspreading on the left sofa. I had to sit next Ivan. As I saw him he winked at me. I smiled back. 

At the corner of the room near the door I observed there were two new faces. A women  in her early twenties. She had a black suit on with a white shirt. Her hair was in a neat army bun.  The man wore the same thing. The man was 6 feet tall and bald. His ebony skin was a stark contract to the white shirt he wore. 

"Sarah let me make introductions this is Diallo and Violet. They work for me." Samael points at the two and they bow their heads when their names was mentioned. "They are lawyers and practice law for the vampire federation." 

"It is an honor to meet you." The lady said as she bows towards my direction. 

I recognized that voice.  

"We have heard a lot about you miss. I hope you have a lovely stay here." The man followed. 

I know them. They were in the library before. They were the ones who were having that god awful conversation in the library. 

They were vampires. Did they know I was already in the library when they had their conversation? It could be possible. I needed to play their game. 

"It is an honor to meet you as well. Its nice to see new faces." I said with an extra sweet note to my tone. If they are here to play games. So am I. 

Benjamin looked surprised with the change in my mood. Marcus was looking at my shoes. I still wore the old ones. He looked disappointed. 

"They are best at defending us lowly vampires from any harm." Ivan chirps in.

"Sarah, the hunters were responsible for most of the harm caused to you. We need you tell your part of the story to the high council. Once the complaint is made we can take actions against the hunters. They are prohibited from hunting humans. Violet and Diallo here are to help you with the legal proceedings." 

"Well Sarah does have an upper hand at this as me and my brother Samael is part of the council." Ivan said smiling. "You have nothing to worry about. You just need to mention step by step what had happened that night to the council." 

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