Chapter 15 - The devil has many names

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{Trigger warning - Mentions blood}

I was escorted to my room in the fifth floor of the central building. Samael wanted to talk right away after I cleaned my self up. 

"I leave you for one day! One day! Sarah and you get hunted by a wolf. A goddam wolf. What were you thinking going into the woods at night?"  Benjamin asked as we got inside my old room. Nothing had changed. It was still empty and bare. 

"I had to do it okay! The kids asked me do this rite of passage to be accepted. I just wanted to get it over with. I was trying to get them to like me. That's all." I said defending myself. 

"What did they ask you to do?" Benjamin asked as he helped me get out of my blood drenched clothes.

"They just asked to carve my name onto the tree that's all. It was easy. But then as we went there someone pour blood all over the tree. The blood might have attracted the wolves." I said as I was stripped down till my undergarments. 

Benjamin went to the bathroom and turned the faucet on. I followed him in. The bathtub was getting filled with hot water. I stood there near the door. I looked at my body. My chest, my abdomen, my hands and legs were drenched in blood. Only my face was clean.  Then it hit me. 

"Isn't the blood making you feel thirsty?" 

He looked at me and his eyes softened. 

"Good for you that I just fed a few hours ago. Besides once you have lived as long as me you get used to the burning sensation in your throat. Come in, the water is warm enough." Benjamin gestured for me to get into the tub. 

"I can do this by myself." I retorted. 

"You just had a wolf almost kill you. You might still be in shock. I don't want you drowning." 

I scoffed. 

I put my legs inside first. It was warm. As I placed my legs in, the blood quickly mixed with the water. The water was turning red. I plunged the rest of my body inside. I let my hair loose and dunked my head inside the water. As I came out my long black hair stuck to my body like velcro. As I got my head out I saw Benjamin removing his dark purple shirt. He had worn a wife beater underneath it, tucked inside his dark black pants. 

"I don't want blood on my new shirt." He mentions as I eye him closely. "Just wait here a minute."    

He goes to my closet and gets the extra liquid soap and luffa kept for me in there. He brings them back. He pours a good amount of soap onto the luffa and lathers it. 

I was still in my black bra and lace panties. Still I did feel self conscious. I had put on some weight over the vacation days. It showed up as my breasts grew a size larger and my hips being a little wider. 

Benjamin knelt beside me. Even as he did he was taller than me. With his long arms he tried his best to wash away the blood off me. But this position was too uncomfortable for the both of us. 

"Get in." I said softly.  He took the que. 

Benjamin removed all his clothes except his black drawers. He got behind me.  I relaxed my self into his body. I rested my head on his shoulders. His right hand dragged the loofa around my chest and belly. He scrubbed the blood away. He was gentle and not too hard. 

Maybe he was right. I was feeling exhausted. I suddenly felt like I couldn't move. My breathing was getting a little heavy and I could feel every movement over my body. My body was suddenly becoming very sensitive to his touch. 

He noticed my labored breathing. 

"Is everything okay?" Benjamin asked me. 

"Nothing. It's just that I have never been in this compromising position before." I said nervously. 

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