Chapter 13 - Kiss and tell

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The days went by and a form of schedule was set everyday. Wake up go to my classes and after lunch we had training. Today was a little different. We all gathered in the swimming pool waiting for coach Mike. 

Yoko and I did our best to avoid each other. Even after knowing her past I was not entirely ready to be best friends just yet. 

"Alright kids. Today we will be training how to free yourself from your restrains underwater. This activity is to teach you that in very dire situations only with a calm mind that you can overcome it. Let me show you how it's done." 

Coach Mike asked one of the kids to tie his hands to the front. Then he jumped into the pool. It was a good minute before he came back up. After taking a deep breath he went back down. He did this a couple of times before he freed himself and came out of the pool. 

"When you reach the bottom of the pool. Do not panic. Just use your legs to bounce back to the surface. You can take a breather once you resurface and then continue with untying yourself. This will be done in a group of two. You have to monitor your partner very closely throughout the process. See if they need help or need to be pulled out."

"The ones going underwater sign to your partners if you want to come out. You need to hold your palm open and close into a fist if you need to get out. The partners here need to keep a close eye. Your friends might drown if you don't pay attention." Coach Mike mentions as he groups people out in the class. 

"Every day I spend here is like training for mission impossible type projects. Isn't this like a safety hazard or worse child abuse?" I ask Amelia as she wears her swimming googles. The girls in the group had dark blue tankinis on while the boys had swimming trunks of the same color. 

Fortunately I got partnered up with Amelia. Maybe after the whole episode with Yoko coach Mike must have thought it best for me to be with people who like me. 

I tied Amelia's hand and I did my best to make it as loose as possible. She went in first. I floated near her. I pushed my face inside the water just to monitor how she was doing. She did well. Within the first two pushes back to the surface she was able to untie herself and come out. It took her only two minutes to complete the task. 

It was my turn next. Amelia also made sure that the knot was loose and easy to remove. I took a deep breath and went in. It was hard not to panic. When you can not breathe your instincts kick in. But I did my best to remain calm. As I reach the bottom I sprung up to take another breath.  As I did I notice someone on the balcony. It was not very clear but I could see someone watching me. Someone in formal wear. I went back in and this time was able to untie my self. 

I felt a sense of relief. I was done with this. As I stretched out my arms to push myself upwards I felt something tug on my leg. My right leg was being pushed downwards by something invisible. I tried my best to unlatch myself from whatever was holding me down. Then it hit me I couldn't breathe. I felt I was loosing my sight. Even with every morsel of strength I was not able to wriggle out of the tight grip that held my leg down. I started to drown. Looking back at Amelia I gave her the hand signal. Again and again until I finally succumbed to the darkness. 

"Move, move.." 

I felt warm large hands on my chest as it pressed it up and down. I could feel the air being pushed into my lungs. Someone was doing CPR. I was suddenly aware of the strange sensation of being touched on my chest. The tankini was already a size small and it pushed my breasts way higher than it should have. With the added pressure from the hands resuscitating me I could feel my breasts spill upwards. I felt warm lips on mine and warm air being forced into my lungs. As I was able to regain my conscience I spewed out the water I swallowed while I was drowning.

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