Chapter 19 - City of love

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It was five in the morning. I had a suitcase ready for the trip to Paris. I sat on my bed waiting for Amelia. 

"Here I got some hot soup for the road. Having access to the kitchen has it benefits." Amelia handed the silver flask towards me. 

"You didn't have to." 

"Just get me something from Paris if you can. Also take loads of pictures!"

"I will." 

Amelia helped me carry my things till the main door of the castle. We stopped right in front of it. I could hear cars being pulled over on the other side. 

"I going to miss you." Amelia mentions as she hugs me. 

"I will miss you too." I said looking at her.

"Text me when you reach okay?" 

"I will." 

I wait till Amelia was out of my sight. Slowly I pick the suitcase and walk out of the door. 

It was still too early. The sun was not out yet. The morning was crip and cold. As I walked out I saw two black vans parked. The windows were tinted black. The driver walks towards me and assists me with my luggage. 

"Miss the others are already inside. Please join them." The driver mentions as he opens the door for me. 

I walk towards the first van. I chose to wear multiple layers today. A white turtle neck and black jeans. I borrowed Amelia jean jacket. I wore the expensive shoes Marcus got me. Thinking that if the high council is well respected it is better to look my best. I wore my hair in a high pony tail. Even with my hair tied high the ends of it still reached my belly. I should have braided it as I could feel my hair tips poke through my sweater. 

I got inside the van. The inside were made of red leather. There were four seats in total. The front row was occupied by Samael and Benjamin. The second row had an empty seat and the other was occupied by Marcus. The front row was facing the second row. 

As I took my seat both Benjamin and Samael greeted me. I greeted them back. The door was closed by the driver and within the next minute we started our journey. Marcus was silent. He did not greet me or even look at me as I boarded the van. I liked it that way. Silent. 

I smiled at the two vampires sitting in front of me. All three men were wearing formal suits. 

Benjamin wore a maroon set. His pants and jacket were a deep marron. While his vest was a lighter shade of maroon which complimented the white shirt underneath. His tie matched his jacket. There was small golden pin on the left collar of his jacket. The same design as the signet rings both Samael and Marcus worse. Maybe the pin represented the pureblood they serve. Benjamin's hair was neatly combed and parted in the middle. He had a crip clean look about him. He looked amazing. 

Samael wore a grey suit. Most of his color scheme was grey. Even his room. The ivory shirt underneath fit him perfectly. The light grey vest seemed a size to small but it fit him well. The darker grey jacket and pants were the next thing I observed. As his frame was thinner than Benjamin it can be understood why the suit was made a little tighter. Samael's hair was parted to his left. He looked nothing like his day to day self. He looked defined and smart. Attractive.

I could smell Marcus's perfume from where I sat from. It had a strong tone of citrus and aqua fresh.

Marcus sat looking away from me. He was looking outside. He wore a beige color suit. I could notice his strong muscular build even with his jacket on.

"You guys are all dressed up. I look really underdressed. But you all look so good." I said looking at Samael.

"Thank you dear. We wanted to take you shopping. If you don't mind. There are some good places for dresses in Paris." Samael mentions.

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