Chapter 16 - White wolf

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"So white wolf how does it feel to kill an animal?" Eli asks me as he sits next to me in class. 

"White wolf?" I asked him confused. 

"Well that is the name they gave you. I think its cool. I heard that you stabbed the wolf right into its heart, ripped its neck and drank its blood." 

"These rumors are getting out of hand." I complained. 

"Any way it was a very cool thing to do." He puts up his fist up waiting for me to fist bump him back. I obliged. Amelia was sitting next to me on the other side. Eli stretches and  gave her a wave. She waves back at him and hides herself beside me. 

Yoko walked up in front of me and stood looking down at me. 

"You killed a wolf. You have my respect." She said it without an ounce of emotion and walked away. 

"Did that actual happen?" I asked Amelia surprised. 

"I guess it did." She confirmed equally surprised. 

The classes went on. We learnt about human/vampire safety this day. The day went on and we went in for our weapons training. As I walked into the gymnasium I remembered that I left my blade in the woods yesterday. I was of course not in the position to collect it. What would I tell coach Mike? Should I be freaking out? 

As the students gathered around the center of the gymnasium coach Mike walked in with the ripper. It was clean and it did not have any blood on it. Someone was up cleaning that blade. 

"Well I guess everyone is aware what happened last night. God knows rumors spreads like the plague here. Someone had a close contact with a wolf out in the wood." As he mentioned this he throws the blade towards me and I catch it. 

"Let me emphasize this one thing. No one is allowed to leave your rooms after dinner. These woods are open for anything or anyone to come in at night. If you walk away from the castle and enter the restricted zone, you are on your own. You are endangering your own life and don't think you will be lucky enough to be saved by anyone. Is that clear?" 

"Yes coach." We said in unison. 

I grouped up with Amelia and started my training. She was pretty good with the sai. Her hands smoothly turned and twirled her weapon. Her main advantage was her petite frame.  Unlike my curvy frame. 

She was fast. I was getting used to moving the ripper around my body. Using my curves as a support frame for the staff to glide over me. I was getting good with my weapon. When I had free time I watched youtube videos on wielding a double bladed staff. Amelia was nice enough to slow down when it was needed. 

"Hey you know an Ivan Piton?" I asked curiously. 

Amelia stopped midway. She looked at me with big stunned eyes. 

"You met a pureblood?" She asked me. 

"Yeah. He was there when you saved me." 

"That was a pureblood? The pretty man with long blond hair?" 

"Yeah he said he was the seventh pureblood or something." I said as we continued practice. 

"He has a reputation though." Amelia looked at me smiling. 

"A bad one?" I asked. 

"They say he is a womanizer." 

I laughed. "Well that explains it. He was trying to flirt with me all the while I was near him." 

"He did? Well he is so good looking. I am not surprised that women throw themselves at him." 

"You know. He doesn't feel right to me." I said looking at Amelia. 

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