Chapter 27 - Hunters got to hunt

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Three days.

I was left alone for three days.

Or it seemed like three days.

All I could do was eat and sleep.  There was a bathroom. A joke of a bathroom. The plumbing was horrible. Every time I used the bathroom I was sure that things will flush back and flood the floor. 

Compared to the academy this was the absolute opposite. I took a bath with a used soap that was already molding. It was that or not taking a bath at all. I started to miss my old room.

No one spoke to me. My brother did not meet me. I was stuck in the old dusty room.

I tried to escape. Multiple times. The windows were boarded up. The door was shut tight.

The only few times the door opened was for the food to be passed to me. I spent the days on the old bed. I was sure I was getting bit by bed bugs. This place was horrible. Helpless. That's the word that describes me. Helpless. I am sure if any of the students get caught up in such a situation they would have fought their way out and caused structural damage to this place. 

I was strong. No I am strong enough. Right? 

Who am I kidding. I remember how crazy strong the hunters were. Added to that being jacked up on vampire blood there is no way I can beat them. 

But I had to try. I look up the camera watching me. 

I had to try. No matter how it ends. I had to try getting out. 

So I waited. I was sitting still till it was night. My dinner usually came in when it got dark. I sat there on the bed facing the door. 

I could hear the footsteps coming towards my room. I was the only one here. So it gets very silent. Even the slightest rattle was audible to me. 

As the door opened. I jumped and thumped on the floor. I started to moan. As if I was hurt. 

There was  a slight pause. It worked. 

I moaned louder. I placed my hands on my tummy and began to shake violently as if I was having seizures. 

"Hey you! What's wrong with you?" I heard a man ask me as me walked towards me. 

I had not planned anything. I kept on seizing and moaning. 

As the man stood right in front of me he kicked me slightly on my arm. Without wasting a second I grabbed his legs and dragged it towards me. He fell flat on his head first. With a thud he was unconscious. 

I look over him. Damn that did the trick. I hope he is not dead. 

I stood up and walked towards the door. As soon as I got out the cold air hit me. I look back at the man on the floor and saw that he wore a black jacket with an emblem on it. I instinctively took it off him wore it and went out again. I saw a bunch of keys and grabbed it as well. As I did so the man groaned. So he was alive after all. 

I close the door as I walked out. He will be locked inside. 

The outside hall was far worse that my room. The hunters needed a serious deep clean. The hallway was dark. The windows were covered with news papers and boarded with old rotten wooden panels. Through the panels I could see the outside. It was night time and I could see two hunters below. They were talking and laughing. One had a cigarette lit. The bright orange glow in the dark was like a Christmas light. 

Christmas. I was reminded to the last Christmas I had with my parents. I got a new phone. The one I always wanted. The last time we had Nathaniel with us for Christmas he was only 14. He left us soon after that. I was 13. I was only a year younger to him. But in all the sense I saw him as my older brother. I was brought back to the cold reality that he was no longer the same boy who would give me piggy back rides. 

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