Chapter 10 - Training for the Olympics

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"So how did the first day go?"  Benjamin asked me as we ate dinner in my room. 

"It was good professor." I said mocking him. The moment I called him that he looked at me surprised. 

"Some of the kids I spoke to addresses you as professor. I think I should do the same." I said explaining to him. 

"You don't have to do that." He said smiling. "Did you get the history lesson about us?"  

"Oh that I did. Samael Tarragon. I did not know we had a pureblood with us." 

"Yes. That is our master." 

"How old is he?" 

"Maybe 1000+ years. I don't ask him anything that directly." 

"Did he turn you?" I asked curious. 

"No, he did not turn me but he took care of me. The vampire who turned me was not a very good person. When my maker was killed Master Samael took me in." 

"You were not turned by a pureblood?" 

"No. I was not turned by a pureblood. But my maker was two generations down a pureblood." 

"You said he was killed? Your maker?" 

"My maker was a women. You see I was undocumented. My maker made me without anyone knowing. She made many of us like that. She used us whenever she needed, fed us scraps and when she lost interest she would kill us off. There were five vampires she made. She killed four of them leaving me behind. When the council got to know about this they tracked her down and killed her. As I was undocumented Master Samael took me in and made me a part of his family." 

"How long has it been since you have been with Samael?" 

"Around 400 years or so." 

"What happened in those 300 years then?" I asked without realizing I crossed a line. "I am sorry. I did not want to..." 

"No its okay. I don't mind talking about. Everyone knows. Well her name was Lady Camille. She was of royal blood. She had expensive taste and did not care about rules set by the council. She was well known for arranging parties and most of them were sexual in nature. If she liked you she would turn you for her pleasure. In my human days I was a baker. I was delivering her bread like every morning and she asked me if I wanted a life of luxury. Me being from a poor family I agreed instantly. Not knowing about the rules or anything. I loved her in a way. Like an abductee falling in love with their captor. Once I was turned I spent most of my time under the dungeons she created. She turned another four to take advantage of. We were all in a belief that Camille loved us. But we were just play things for her. If she got bored she would destroy us. I was the last to live." 

"But they said that if an immortal parent killed their child it would cause them immense pain. " 

"She had other people do it for her. Yes she felt the life draining but she enjoyed it. Like a masochist. She did not hide herself well and people around her started to talk. People were getting restless and then the council finally decided to confront her. Neither did she keep her self hidden nor she followed rules when it came to transformations. When she was confronted she admitted to what she did and the council had to take her life. Three hundred years in the dark. The first thing I saw was Master Samael." Benjamin said smiling after recalling his first time meeting Samael. 

"To a prisoner who has been abused and whipped to submission. The slightest of kindness can bring back life into the soul. I have not left master ever since." 

"My god." I whispered. I stretched myself from the bed and hugged him. I hugged him tightly. As I retracted I looked into his eyes. "If it was me. I would ripped that bitch's head off." I said sternly. 

Deluded (A Vampire story Part I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant