Chapter 7 - Family ties

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A hot bath, a hot meal and seven hours of sleep later I felt better. The bed was the softest thing I have ever slept on. I could see it was night now. I got up and walked towards the window. If day time was beautiful it was nothing compared to the night. I could see the stars. Hundreds of them, thousands of them, twinkling in the dark sky. Even in the night I could see the stretch of forest. It looked more menacing than in the morning. I wondered if a person did get lost here how long will it take them to die. Not long I feel. Dehydration could kill you faster than an animal. 

I heard a slight knock on the door. That could be my food. I walk slowly towards the door not wanting to be seen by anyone yet. As I opened the door the tray of food was placed on the floor. 

There was a note on it too. I took the tray and placed it on the table. The note had something written in cursive. 

Welcome sister. Hopefully we can be introduced in person. Rest. Let me know if you require anything, we are here to serve you.

- Samael. 

This was the second time I heard this name. I have a feeling that this person is who Benji called the master. Maybe the master of the house? The one who owns the house. If he owns this place, damn. Must be rich. Well that also means that I am but a guest and I  need to be aware of that. 

I started to miss Benjamin. All alone in here with my thoughts I was starting to panic. I looked at the tray of food and saw chicken and potatoes served with gravy. I forgot about everything and went in to eat my food. After I completed my meal in absolute silence I kept the tray near my door and went in search for Benjamin.  I walk for a second and I saw the door in the same hallway as mine where Benjamin mentioned he stayed. 

I knocked on the door. There was no response. Maybe he is not in? I walk towards the large oval table where the chandelier was switched on. Everything here was even more beautiful in the night. I looked at the glass wall. I walked towards it. The level above. The staircase leading up to the glass wall was short and made of marble. This part of the floor was not carpeted unlike the entire floor. 

Words were not enough to explain what I saw. The stretch of forest, the night sky, the stars and the slight breeze that swept the tree canopy. I did not feel cold. It was warm inside. I was wearing the matching sweater and cotton pants that were in my closet. They got my size right. Down to my underwear.  I did not want to know how they got it right. Except for my clothes my hair was slightly wet from the shower. I felt good cleaning myself off everything that happened in the last couple of days. My black hair swept till my hips and it smelt of strawberries.  It took me almost two washes to get all the gunk out. 

 I was watching the movement of the trees and the clouds in silence when I heard footsteps. I froze still. I felt someone's presence behind me.  I could feel someone taking a deep breathe near my left ear. I turn around to see a man. 

"So this is our little princess huh?" The man said sarcastically. I could smell the smoke and alcohol from his mouth. 

"Excuse me." I asked annoyed. Suddenly noticing that the man was too close to my liking. His left hand then was placed over my head onto the glass behind us. 

"It is a shame that you are still a fucking human. I bet you won't be lasting very long here. You do smell quite good." The man said leaning onto my neck. I pushed away hard. The man drunk stumbled back. I was able to take a good look at him as he did. 

He had dark curly hair. The curls bounced as he stumbled back. He got back up. Most of his hair covered his eyes. He was shorter than Benjamin but taller than me.  As he straightened up I looked at his light brown eyes. Though he was 5'11 I could see he was muscular. His white shirt had two buttons lose and his black pants were sung on his legs. He was not as big as Benjamin but he had a strong frame. Like a swimmer. My eyes went to the gold signet ring he had on his left hand. 

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