Chapter 6 - Castle Dracula

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A castle. The only way I can explain what I saw in front of me was a castle. This was home? Benjamin pulled the car around and there was a hidden underground basement that opened up as the car drove near. Benjamin drove inside the basement as if it was muscle memory. There were other cars in the basement as well. Some looked expensive and some commonly used ones. There were a few vans as well. Seeing a van brought back horrendous memories. I tired to shake these thoughts away. 

The car stopped. A thought suddenly popped in my head. 

"Where did you get this car? Didn't you wreak it?"  I look at Benji in the low light of the basement. 

"You remember the safe house? I had to ditch the wreaked one and take this one instead." 

"Hmm..." I said still frozen to my seat. 

I could here the click of Benji's seatbelt. He moved towards me. 

My head started to feel heavy and I looked down. I could feel Benji's presence right next to me. 

"Hey." He said taking my hand and he nuzzled my hair. "You are safe here. I promise you. If you ever feel overwhelmed or scared just let me know. I am here for you." 

"It's easy for you to say." I said as I cried. "I lost everything overnight. I am no longer myself." Looking upwards to meet Benji's onyx eyes. 

"You can still be yourself. I brought you here because this can be your home too." He said looking at me. "Princess the moment you feel anything but safe you let me know. I will get you out. I promise."  

"Why do you keep on calling me princess?" I asked laughing still teary eyed. 

"You don't like it?" He asked leaning back to his seat. 

"It's new." I said as I relaxed back into my seat. I removed my seatbelt as I looked ahead at the grey wall. 

"Do you want me to call you something else?" He asked. 

"No. I like it." I said laughing. "If this is all a dream then might as well find someone who calls me a princess." 

Benjamin laughed. "I am required to address you with respect my princess." 

"Respect." I chuckled. I placed my head on the dashboard. "Who am I to be called that anyway?" 

"I won't be able to explain everything right away. But I hope you find solace here and safety. No one will dare to harm you here." 

"So what? Be kept in a golden cage for the rest of my life?" I asked worried. 

"Never. Never that. For the time being rest here. Sleep, eat and heal. That's all. When time comes you are free to leave. I don't want you getting hurt." 

"I feel so weird. Like something gnawing at my  chest. Is that anxiety? It's like an itch." I said looking at Benji. 

His eyes widened. He knew what was happening for sure. 

"Whenever you feel lost. You follow that tug in your heart. It will lead you to the right place." Benji said smiling. "We are connected, by nature, by blood, by love and sometimes by word, we are all connected." 

"You know Benji it is very hard to take you seriously when you talk like that." I said chuckling. 

"Trust me. It is going to get worse." 

"What does that mean? What is this place?" We still were in the basement looking at the grey wall. I did not want to get out. I wanted to stay in this car and never leave. 

"Before I tell you that I want you to be aware of a few rules." 

I became quite and looked at Benji with all seriousness I can muster. I saw Benji stretch back and take a bag form the back seat. It was from the apple store. He placed the bag on my lap. 

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