Chapter 23 - I was the victim

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Questions of all sorts were asked to me one by one. The accident, the hunters, the incident in the hospital, my journey with Benjamin till the academy, what I was doing in the academy all this while. I did my best to elaborately explain what I went through. How I felt in those moments. Suddenly reliving everything was emotionally exhausting and painful. I couldn't help but cry. I tried my best to keep my composure as I sobbed. One of the guards inside gave me his handkerchief. It was the most grueling hour and half that I had experienced. 

While going back through all that happened there were many questions in my mind. How did Benjamin get to us in the right time? How did Samael knew that I was in danger? There were many things being hidden from me. 

I was sure my cheeks were red from all the crying. 

The council did not seem to empathize in any manner. No words of consolation were given. The questions were direct and the answers were expected to be direct as well. Every time I deviated I was asked to stay on the topic asked. No empathy, no sympathy. Years of immortality leaves you a cold body. 

They were expected to be stern. These were people in power. I was the weak human in this equation. I could feel the power dynamics. It was easy to notice. Samael remained quite for most of the trial. He only introduced me and let the other asks me questions. Maybe he was required to. As I was related to him they did not want him to show any favors. I understood that. 

"Thank you Sarah. That is all for today." Ivan ends the trial. I stood up. As I was about to walk out I extended my hand to give the guard back his kerchief. He motioned to keep it. 

Benjamin and Marcus were waiting outside. As I walked out Marcus rushed towards me. I must have been a mess from all the crying. 

"What happened? Did you cry?" 

"You bet I did." 

"Lets go back." Benjamin adds. 

"What about Sam?" 

"He won't be coming out for a while. Its three in the morning lets go back to the hotel and get some sleep."  

The ride back to the hotel was silent. Marcus sat next to me. I sat there looking outside the window. I felt Marcus's hand on mine. I needed the comfort. I was felling tired and sleepy. Sensing how tired I was Marcus moved towards me. I turned around and let myself fall asleep in his arms.  As I fell asleep, the last thing I saw was Benjamin. His eyes were lowered and avoided looking at me and Marcus by looking out of the window. 

I woke up to a dark room. As I adjusted my eyes I saw a stream of light from the small opening between the heavy curtains. I might have slept somewhere after three in the morning yesterday. I look at the time. It was elven in the morning. Afternoon. As I adjusted my eyes I look at the dark shadow on the chair away from my bed. The silhouette looked as if a man was sleeping with a glass held in one of his hand. 

I freaked out and screamed. In the midst of it all I tried to find the lamp switch. As I switched on the lamp I heard a thud. 

Marcus jumped out of the chair. As he did the glass in his hand fell on the carpet with the brown liquid pouring out of it. 

"What the hell?" I asked Marcus. 

"What did you scream for. Its just me!" Marcus exclaimed as he picked the glass from the floor. 

"How was I supposed to know? Did you watch me sleep?" I asked him. 

"I had to. You were talking all sort of nonsense while you were sleeping. You were twitching and turning the entire time. I thought you would have a seizure after yesterday." Marcus explains as he cleans the brown stain on the carpet as best as he could. 

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