Chapter 22 - All hail the high council

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We took the car to the high council. The midnight air was crisp. Samael, Benjamin, Marcus and I took the same car. The ride to the council was silent. 

I was scared. Facing ten members of the council was going to be nerve recking. Even though Ivan and Samael were part of the five purebloods in the council I still couldn't help but feel helpless. 

Ivan. I have not seen Ivan ever since the academy. 

"Will Ivan be present in the council today?" 

"Yes. He had to take care of a few things before he could participate in the meeting." 

"Where exactly is the council?" 

"Have you heard about the catacombs in Pari?" Samael asked. 

I nodded yes. 

"The high council is present in the lower levels of the catacombs."

"You mean to say that the place where millions of skulls and human bones are stored and piled up is the roof to the council rooms?" 

"The council is more than just rooms. Wait and see." Marcus adds. 

"Don't humans accidently get into the council floor?" 

"No they are highly secure." Benjamin mentions. 

Everyone was tensed. Everyone was on guard. So was I. 

As we reached a deserted road the car stopped and we waited for a while. I could not bring up the courage to ask questions. All I could do is wait for instructions. The driver then proceeds to switch the headlights on and off like some sort of signal. 

Two men dressed in black walks in front of the car. They seemed to appear out of nowhere. They knock on the drivers side. They spoke French. As the guards noticed Samael and Marcus they quickly greeted them and gave them permission to pass. 

"Time to go." Marcus mentions as he helped me out of my seat belt. Suddenly my feet couldn't move. I felt paralyzed. 

"Are you okay?" Marcus asked me worried. 

"Just sacred. Going in to a room full of vampires is not a day to day task you see."  I tell him with my voice lowered. 

"You have us. You do not have to worry about anything. I promise if anything goes wrong I am right here." Marcus reassures me. 

I muster up all my courage and get out of the car. The cold wind hits us. I suddenly shiver and hug myself to get some warmth. 

Marcus uses his left hand to hold my waist and drag me towards him. He used his coat to keep me warm. 

"I am sorry. I forgot about cold. I should have gotten you a coat." 

Samael and Benjamin walk ahead following the two men clad in black. 

Me and Marcus were walking behind them. 

We walked for ten minutes and reached the entrance to the catacombs. 

"Remember phones don't work inside." Marcus mentioned. 

"What if I get lost?" I ask worried. 

"Stay close to me." Marcus tells me as he holds me closer to him. 

All of us got into the catacombs. A dim orange light lit the insides of the labyrinth. As we walked in I suddenly felt the presence of death. I looked at all the skulls and bones collected and the only thing that came to my mind was death and dying. All these people were once flesh and blood. They had families, dreams, careers or things they wanted to gain. Then they were all piled up in one place. Death was the only thing that was a sure with humans. No matter if you are rich or poor. Good or bad. You will be dying one day and no one could stop it. I could die as well. Will I die tonight? 

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