Puppy (Blondie pt8)

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Description-  You and Billy adopt a puppy for Allie and Paige

Me and Billy were in the bedroom making out and I moved my hands from Billy's chest to his hair then Billy flipped me over on my back and started to kiss my neck

I turned my head to the side and opened my eyes but when I did I saw Paige sitting in the bassinet staring at us

"Billy, stop." Billy leaned away and looked at what I was looking at

He started laughing and started shaking his head at Paige. He got up off the bed and picked her up out of the bassinet and held her high in the air

She started smiling at him and I wanted to cry because even though my baby is only six months old she's getting so big and it's sad

Billy went downstairs with Paige and I went into Allie's room to wake her up

When I woke her up she turned on her side and ignored me so I took it that she was still upset with me

I walked downstairs and when Billy saw I didn't have her with me he handed Paige to me and went upstairs to try and get her up

Billy got her up and got her downstairs and she was still in her pajamas

She gave me a glance and turned in Billy's lap away from me

I still felt like a piece of shit because of what I did but she wasn't making it any better by ignoring me

A few days ago while Billy was at work Paige was crying and wouldn't go to sleep because she started teething and if I'm being honest I think it was driving me a little bit crazy because I forgot what it was like to deal with a teething baby

I finally got Paige to sleep and Allie was home because its summer and she was playing in the living room and started talking loudly right next to her wanting me to to play and I broke

I accidentally turned to her and started yelling at her and telling her how I just got Paige to sleep and how she was gonna wake her up and she started crying and I immediately felt like shit

Allie locked herself in her room and wouldn't come out until Billy got home and everyday I try and forget about it and wait until the night to cry

"Hey, Allie do you wanna go to the park or go see grandma and grandpa?" I put my hand on her shoulder and she pushed my hand away and it broke my heart

I stood up off the couch and walked upstairs and I walked in me and Billy's bedroom, in our bed and, under the blankets and then I let myself cry

It wasn't that long ago that I got over my postpartum depression and I was in the bed crying all the time and now Allie is making me be vulnerable in my bed again

I heard the bedroom door open and I wiped away my tears and looked at who it was

It was Billy and he had Allie on his hip. He sat her down on the bed and left the room, closing the door

"I'm sorry, mommy." I smiled at her and pulled her close to me

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize, you just wanted to play and you didn't know." She laid her head on my chest and gave me a hug

"Daddy, got onto me and told me how I hurt your feelings and that it wasn't nice and I made you sad and I felt bad because I remember how sad I was when you made me sad." I kissed the top of her head and held her closer to me

"Well the thing is sissy is getting her teeth and you know how when you lose a tooth and they come in and hurt well that's worse for sissy because you've already had your baby teeth come in so you've experienced that pain before and so it doesn't hurt as worse for you but sissy's teeth are coming in for the first time so she's cranky and always crying so mommy was just a little grumpy and didn't want you to be loud cause I had just got sissy to sleep and if you were loud she would've woken up and I just didn't want that." She nodded her head and wrapped her little arms around me and gave me a hug

"Mommy, I wanna go see grandma and grandpa." I smiled at her and got out of bed for the second time today

I went into Allies bedroom and got her an outfit for her to go see my mom and Hopper

When we got there my mom gave Allie a hug and then I handed her Paige

"Billy, we have to talk." We went into my old bedroom then sat on my old bed

I straddled Billy's lap then gave him a kiss and he smiled at me

"Billy, I think we should get the girls a puppy. Plus I really want a dog." Billy smiled at me and thought for a minute

"We'll have to potty train it, take it out to use the bathroom, when it does use the bathroom you'll have to pick up its dog shit, we'll have to grieve when it dies. Do you still want a dog?" I nodded my head "Okay but if we get a dog it's gonna be a German shepherd."

I smiled at Billy and gave him a couple kisses before getting up off of his lap and we went into the living room

"Hey mom can you watch them for a few hours?" She nodded her head and me and Billy left so we could go get a puppy

~time skip~

We just got home with the little puppy and I stayed with her while Billy went to pick up the girls

We decided to let the Allie name her because we couldn't find the perfect name for her

We decided to get a dog that was already potty trained because we didn't feel like cleaning up puppy pee and poop around the house

When Allie walked inside the house she looked so confused but so happy to see a puppy

"Who's puppy is this?" She pet the puppy and I chuckled at her

"It's our puppy. What do you want to name her." She pet the puppy for a few more seconds to think

"Princess." Me and Billy laughed at her and I gave her a kiss on the forehead

"Princess?" She nodded her head with a big smile on her face "Okay, princess it is."

Billy handed Paige over to me and I sat her in my lap and she reached her hand up and pulled hard on princess's ear

"You have to be gentle." Princess sniffed around Paige and she was laughing but she looked offended and started bawling when princess licked her on the face

I handed Paige to Billy and he took her upstairs so he could wash the dog slobber off of her face

~time skip~

Me and Billy just finally got Paige to sleep so we went to Allie's room so we could get her to sleep but to our surprise she was already asleep

Me and Billy just finally got Paige to sleep so we went to Allie's room so we could get her to sleep but to our surprise she was already asleep

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I covered my mouth and my heart melted at the sight it was so adorable

We silently walked out of the room and closed the door so we wouldn't wake her

We walked back into the bedroom and when we laid down in the bed it felt empty even though it has two grown adults in it

"Billy, I can't sleep." He sat up and he had bags forming underneath his eyes

"I can't either." We tried to cuddle up but that didn't work like it usually does we tried so many different ways of cuddling and spooning but we couldn't go to sleep

It got to the point where I got so frustrated I started crying

When Billy calmed me down I looked over at Paige and remembered that when Allie was a baby it was so easy to fall asleep cuddled with her

I stood up and slowly picked her up and laid her down in the middle of the bed, then me and Billy cuddled up with her and we both fell asleep

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