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    Hey yall I'm Michelle and I hope you like this book I have been working on my other walking dead books not all of them are finished but I sparked an idea in my head and wanted to make a new Daryl Dixon one I hope you Enjoy!!!

    I smiled as I put the plates around the table preparing Dinner since I was the oldest daughter of them all Once all the table was set I walked upstairs with a smile.

   "Daddy, Beth, Maggie"I yelled when I was at the top of the stairs"Dinner ready come eat"I couldn't help but start laughing when my sisters raced eachother to the stairs.

  "Guys there is plenty of ham and mashed potatoes to go around"I watched as they ran down the stairs"There children"Daddy say walking up to me"Thank you for dinner"

  I nodded my head I was glad we were away from all the crap thats been going on in the world what we heard was the dead were walking around and we put those sick sick people in the barn

   I walked down the stairs everyone was now at the table"This looks amazing"I blushed at Beth's words"well, I hope they taste better!"I say making them all lauph"Your food is always amazing"Maggie said getting a scoop of mash potatoes.

  "You get that from your mom"Daddy says as I place down water glass down in front of them"she taught all of us Daddy"I say sitting down and pulling my chair up"Lets say grace"Daddy said making me nod

  "Who wants to do the honors"Daddy asked looking at us girls"Its Thena's turn Daddy"Beth said looking at Me"Thats right"He said taking my hand as I take Maggie's next to me as she takes Beth's"I am so thankful that we have family in these hard times"I say looking down

  "We have been so shelded from all this madness and thanks to are God we thank you so much for this food and are lives Amen"I say looking up making them all look up"Amen"They say all together

  "Alright Yall let's dig in"I say chuckling and getting food on my plate I bit my lip as I looked down"Daddy"I said making him wipe his mouth and finish his bite"Yes darling"He asked with a smile

   "I was huh, I was going through that old shed of ours"He nods as the girls looked at us"Yes"He asked rasing his eyebrows"And I found that old bow out there"He sighed and looked down"Athena"Daddy warns

  "I just want to learn Daddy"I say honestly taking a spone full of mash potatoes"No weapons Athena ya
Know this"I sighed and nodded looking down I wanted to learn so bad I didn't want to disobey Daddy but I just might....

  "Okay Daddy"I said taking my food in my mouth I loved the taste of mashed potatoes"This taste amazing Thena"Maggie said cutting the awkwardness that was on the air"Thanks Maggs"she nodded and we all finished are food.

  I stood in my room looking at all the  the pictures of mamma holding a bow in my room I wanted to be like her you have no idea how much I wanted to be like her  I hear a Nock on my door I flinched but realized I didn't have to

  "Come in"Maggie walks in with a smile on her face"Hey"I sighed and sat on my bed"Hey Maggs"she sat down next to me"I know how much you wanna be like Mamma"I nodded slowly"Im thinking about going against Daddy"

   She rubbs my back with her hand and nods"Okay you can do that Thena but if you get cau-"I cut her off with a nod"I know Maggie he's gonna kick me in the booty"I can here Beth start to giggle on the other side of the door
  "Beth get your butt in here"I say chuckling my ass off"Sorry"She said walking In"How much have you heard"I asked rasing my eyebrows"All of it but I won't tell Daddy"I was thankful I had my sister and they were always on my side

  "Thank you Bethy"She smiled and sat down on the bed with us"You guys should go to bed"Daddy said walking in"Okay Daddy"We all said at the same time"Night girls"He says walking out of the room"Night Daddy"We said before he left

  "You think he herd us"I asked with a bit of fear"No way he would be grillin us with questions if he did"I chuckled at Maggie as she hugged me"Night Thena"I watch as Maggie stands up giving Beth a hug"Night Maggie"I say as she pulls away from  Beth

  "Night Maggie"Beth said as she stood up to"Night Thena"Beth said looking down at me"Good night don't let the bed bugs bite"I said making them all chuckling and walk out Beth shuts the door behind her making me sigh and rub my eyes

  I stood up and changed into my pj's witch was a simple tank top and shorts when I was done I wasn't really taired so I put on a coat and walked out onto my patio I leaned onto the raling and looked down at the porch of the house

  This was my favorite spot to be it made me feel calm and seeing all the stars shining as the night was showing itself I smiled softly intell I looked at the barn and frowned"Were they really just sick people? Daddy wouldn't lie to us would he?

  I bit my lip and looked down and moved my brown hair out of my face  and closed my eyes letting the air hit me it always calmed me up here felt like I was flying like I was on top of the world

  I sighed and gave it one last look around before going back inside my room and closing the door I didn't want to be selfish but I wanted more then this I new I couldn't have that since the world was gone or at least at a pit stop

   I sat down on my bed a threw the coat down I always tried to be a good daughter did what Daddy told me to do but ever since I found out I was adopted its been waired but Daddy is my father no matter what I always saw him as my dad

   I sighed and snuggled up in to my bed I had a waired feeling tonight and I'm not sure what it is but I know it's not a vary good feeling andn I hate it Daddy says we shouldn't use that word but he's not around when I use it

  I turn over and turn my lamp off and snuggled into my pellow when I heard the door open downstairs I smiled to myself thank god there back I didn't know if they would be back or not they normally come back by now I slowly started to close my eyes and sleep fluids my mind
Hey guys this is the first chapter I hoped you liked it I enjoyed righting it! And don't forget to comment and vote it let's me know you guys like my book and all chapters won't be this short it was just the start of it



The farmers Daughter[Daryl Dixon]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora