Chapter sixteen-"Memory lane"

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  rape warning

   I sat next to Beth my hand now raped in a bandge"Im sorry I left Bethy ill never leave ya again"I whispered holding her hand with my free one"Your my little sister"I said with a smile"I promise"I say kissing her hand

  The sun was now up"How is she"I looked up and looked at Andrea Maggie was sitting in the bed next to me Patricia on the other side of me"Dehydrated I'll set up another Iv"I mean its been all night ware is my dad at wares Rock wares Glenn"Best I can do without Hershal"

  She walked out of the room shaking her head I moved closer to her as Andrea sat on the bed on the other side"Can I get you or Maggie anything"she asked me"No Me and her just wish out dad was here"I looked up at Andrea as Maggie put her hand on my shoulder

  "Shell be okay"I smiled and nodded"Of course she will"I say looking down at her"Isant that right Bethy"I said moving her hair out if her face"We were just reminding her about....never mind"Maggie said shaking her head"No No I'd loved to hear"I smiled at her

"Tell her Maggie's it's an amazing story"I say with a smile"My dad would die if he heard this"Ohh yeah he would"My first summer back from Collage I drove home dumped my stuff off went straight put to the stables for a ride my family comes back from church and Thena and Beth grabe my things andstarts unpacking my stuff upstairs"

  I still rember Beth's reaction at least Maggie was smart to take pills"Thats sweet"Andrea said smiling noding her head"Yeah intell this kne here starts rifling through my backpack she finds this little plastic container with these pink and green candies inside"Andrea nodded and looked down with a smile knowing what she talking about

  "She didn't even know I was on the pill she was so freaked out by the idea of me and boys and sexs that her and Thena ran outside and we watch her chuck it in the duck pound  and I ride up screaming Thena trying to calm me down Beth's crying Shawn runs outside thinks one of us is drowning"A tear slipped from my eye remembering the memory

  "Soon as he figures out what's going on the jerk busts out lauphing so loud"Maggie voice cracks and I held her hand that was still on my shoulder"That my horse rears up and gets mud all over the tour of us my dad comes out'What the heck is going on out here"I nodded my head looking down at Beth

  "And she turns around bat's her eyelids and says we're just swimming Daddy"No matter what she never once got us in trouble when we were fighting she is an amazing sister"In her Sunday dress all covered in snot and mud " Maggie says

  I need her to snap out if it I need her to be able to hug me back if I need it or when she needs it to especially after what happened with me and Daryl I can stop thinking about it he didn't even try and stop me from going to town

   I bet he doesn't even know that I'm hurt I closed my eyes and Pictured Maggie jumping off her horse ans yelling at Beth I love these guys there my life line if they die a part of me will die along with it"Rick ans Glenn will get your dad back"I look up at Andrea and smiled at her

"Glenn's a good guy"Glenns a vary good guy if he wasn't I wouldn't let him anywhere near my sister and I would have already broke them up long ago but Glenn he helped save me more then once so far because he know that Maggie would be hurt if something happened

  He also saved  me because I'm his friend his best friend and I was thankful that Me and Maggie had a person to go to to talk about anything Glenn will give us hope no matter what gonna happen"Yeah he is"Andrea sais noding"Hey Andrea...."I said trailing off

  "Yeah"She said with a smile"Im sorry for ya know punching you I should have never done that special for a guy who....who dosant even want me"I say my voice cracking at the end"Were good"She said noding her head"And I knew Daryl since the beginning he loves ya I see it when he looks at ya"I smiled at her

  "We had sex the other day and then he said it didn't mean nothin"she sighed and looked down"Hes just morning Sophia I mean out of everyone she was different"Maggie nodded and smiled"Thats what Glenn said to"I chuckled at her noding

  I walked out of the house just in time to see a red Car driving uo the road I ran up to Andrea making Daryl look at me who was next to her but I avoided eye contact

  When they parked I ran up the thr car and hugged dad as he steps out of the house"DADDY"I yelled just like Carl had done with his dad I was so glad to see him when I was done giving my hugs I walked off but I had a feeling that someone was flowing Me"Thena wait"

  I stopped and turned around"Are you okay"Daryl asked Witch had me roll my eyes"Yeah like you care"I scoffed at him and started walking away but he grabed my arm"I do care that's why I asked"I rolled my eyes"Im so sorry"I bit my lip and looked away"I don't know Daryl"

  He sighed"your my everything and I realized I shouldn't push ya away because....."He trails off shaking his head"It dosan't matter I'm just sorry"Daryls hands went to my hips"I never want ya in danger"I looked up at him and nodded"Dont try and push me away "He nodded and leaned down kissing me

  I smiled against the kiss when we heard someone clear there throat"Rick wants a meeting"I pulled away from Daryl and looked at Carol"Thansk Carol give us a minute"She nodded and walked back inside"They put Randle in the shed"Daryl said looking back at me

   He bent down and kissed me one more timeless joint this meeting"I smiled at started walking to the house but stop"What are we"I asked turning around and looked at him"I mean are we a thing now like we were back then"He chuckled shaking his head"you mean are we dating"

  I nodded my head"Only if ya want to be"I smiled and looked down"I want to be"He walked up to me"Good"He said kissing me"Cause I wanna be to"I rolled my eyes"Cone on dork"I said walking up the porch and into the house

  "Isant that the same as leaving him for the walkers"Andrea said as me and Daryl walked into the house looks like they started meeting before we got here"hell have a fighting Chance"Carol smiled at us as we walked to the window My shoulder was touching Daryls as he folded his arms
"Just gonna let him go"We did know him before all this I mean I knew of him but Maggie new him more"He knows whare we are"Shane said looking at me I looked down as he looked me up and down once before looking away"He was blindfolded the whole way here he's not a threat"

  "I can't do this no more"I say whispering to Daryl I sighed and walked out the door I found myself walking into the now empty barn looking around it"Thena"I froze And looked over at shane"Y-Yeah"I stuttered out"WHY YOU ALWAYS WARING SHIT LIKE THAT"

   I looked at him feeling my face go pale"Your gonna make me feel good"My eyes go wide and I back up from him"Shane dont"He smirked and ran at me grabing my arms"HEL-"I started to yell but Shane covered my lips he pushed me down to the ground

  "Oh yeah"Shane said noding taking off my shorts and underwear I bit his hand and he let go hitting me in the face"HELP"I yelled as he pulled off his pants slightly and stood over me"You best be quit"I shook my head tears falling from my eyes"DAR-"I started but got another hit in the face

  My eyes go wide went I felt him rub his shaft along my entrance"HELP"i cryed out I closed my eyes ready for the impact he slammed into Mr as hard as you could witch had me screaming in pain I closed my eyes"Oh yeah thena Daryls reall lucky"I sobbed even harder

  But when I felt the wait of him gone I opened my eyes and saw Daryl Grabing Shane off me bunching him jot ones not twice but 7 times he held Shane's Jacket"Ya coke never her or even look at her again ill kill ya"He said punching him again"Ya hear me"He said punching him again

"Y-yes"Shane cryed out"Get the he'll out of here!"Daryl yelled Shane got up slowly pulled up his pants and ran off"Are ya okay"I sobbed even hared as he sat me up I leaned into his shoulder"Shhh Ima kill him"He said anger in his eyes

  Daryl picked up my underwear and handed them to me my hands were shaking as I pulled them up"Here"Daryl said helping me stand as I put on my shorts"C-can I stay at your camp"He nodded and held my hand leading me to his camp

When we got there he sat me down on a log"Are ya sure your okay"I shook my head no"Thena"He said croching down holding my hands"I will never let ya get hurt again ever"I smiled and nodded I leaned into his shoulder and started to sob I love Daryl I loved him so much there's one thing I did know thought I wanted Shane Walsh Dead he had no right to do what he did none I closed my eyes as Daryl held my hand He made me happy even if he wash trying to push me away

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