Chapter sixty two-"Harder things"

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Hey guys how are you I love Carol don't get me wrong but when she killed Karen I was like damn girl but she did it for thr people but she's still a murder witch is why she left I still think she's a badass though love Carol forever

Rick is sending Carol away she did it she was the one who killed Karen Rick came up here and told me asked me what we should do about it and I told him we can't keep a murder in camp I love Carol but she couldn't be with us...

How could she kill two of our own i know they were sick and that's why she did it but I was sick I could have been the one she killed I just can't believe she would do that

I looked up at the ceiling knowing well never see Carol again was gonna hurt Daryl and him knowing I was apart of sending Carol away he was gonna be upset with Me because they were close

I was surprised Rick asked me what he should do I stood up and walked out on the patio The walkers were still everywhere along the fence All of a sudden I started coughing my eyes rolled back and I fell down onto the patio floor

"GENN!"I chocked out my body shaking my eyes closes and I blacked out

Maggie pov

I walked outside checking on the fincd was really all I could do"GLENN!"I heard Thena yell from her tower I gasped and ran towards it I climbed it as fast as I could r

She wasn't on her bed instead I saw her body I gasped and ran up to her"Thena your gonna be alright"I shook my head with fear"DADDY!"I saw dad walk out of the place after me so I know he's close

"Mags are you okay"I heard dad asked at the bottom of the tower"Is thena get Glenn!"I heard the front if the tower door open"your gonna be okay"I cryed holding her head in my lap I didn't care if I got sick she's my sister and I need to help her

Glenn climbed up the latter coughing himself with an air pump in his hands hie eyes were red and puffy and I was worried about him he handed me the pump and I put it in her mouth pumping"shes stron-"Glenn started to say with a coughing fit

"I know she is but I'm worrier about her"He sighed and plopped down next to me on the wall"what if she...."I started looking down at her face"She wont"Glenn said closing his eyes"But what if she does Glenn Daryl Carl Alexxa they can't lose her"

Glenn opened his eyes looking down at her"None of us can she's my best friend"I frowned shaking my head"Glenn if she does die you know Daryls gonna change he's not gonna be the same"He scoffed and shook his head

"Why are you so willing to keep talking about her dying she's not going to"I looked over at him and nodded"Okay"I said my breath shaky that was intell a nother coughing fight can be heard and Thenas head was moving up and down

"Oh my god Thena!"Her read eyes looked up at me"Y-you can't be near me"She stuttered out closing her eyes tightly"Im not going anywhere She sighed and looked around the room still laying in my eyes"Glenn"She asked counfused

"Hey Thena"She smiled laying her head on my chest"Daryl...."She said looking up at me"Hes not back"I said looking over at Glenn"He will be though don't worry"Glenn said with a sniff"Why don't you go back down I'll stay with her"I said smiling at Glenn

"Are you sure"I nodded and put my hand on her head"Im sure"He stood up with a couph"Get better thena"Thena threw her thumb up"Y-you got it"she stuttered"love you"He said to her before leaving

"How's Bethy"Thena asked looking up at me"Daddy asked that same thing"I smiled looking up at her"and she's going she's taking care of Alexxa who's really worried about you"She smiled and closed her eyes once more

"Do you think we can get you to bed"I asked she nodded and I sat her up slowly standing up holding her hands so she didn't fall she stumbled but I had caught her so she couldn't hurt herself when we got to the bed I layed her down and put her blanket over her

"Thanks sissy"She said sleepy like"Get some rest I'll be right here when you wake up"She smiled up at me"I love you sissy"I haven't even noticed I started crying tears were falling from my face"I love you to"I sobbed out but she couldn't tell because she was fast asleep

I let it all go I grabed her hand and started to sob I told daddy I believed that we were gonna make it but I couldn't lose my sister I love her so much I just wish I can help daddy just looked so taired

When Glenn didn't meet Me at the window I was so scared he was....but he's okay and I was thankful that I Seen him today dad's been keeping him busy I let the last sob go before I wipped my tears and looked down at thena who was sleeping peacefully

Someone wad going to have to stay up here with her if I hadn't come out she could have died daddy dosan't want her with everyone else so she dosan't get worse and I understand that I know I told her I would be hear when she got up but I was pissed

I stormed down the latter and grabed a sharpend stick and walked up to the fence and started stabing them roughly why was this happing why was it the people I loved who got it if Bethy got it I wouldn't know what to do with my self

There was a huge bill up in this section that was intell I saw Rick start to pull up I ran along the fince and started opening the gate so he could drive by however when he drove by I didn't see Carol and he stopped for nothing

I looked back over at the gate and started to close it when I looked back at Rick he had stopped the car I walked up to him"Carl! Judith! Are they okay"He asked with fesr"Yeah wares Carol"I asked looking around for her

"Glenn hershal Thena sasha"Rick said changing the subject"yeah it's bad they're frightening it Daryls not back yet"I said still worried about Carol Rick started back to the car"Rick! Rick wares Carol!"I yelled worried she had gotten hurt

He stopped and turned to face me before he Marched up towards me"It was her she killed Karen and David"Carol...oh my God she seemed odd about the subject but I never thought....I looked down in denial"She was trying to stop it from spreading"

I know she was trying to help but killing someone....."Tyreese is gonna be back here soon so I didn't think she should be here"Rick send her away I mean I understand Ty loved Karen the way I loved Glenn if I lost Glenn because someone killed him I would want to kill that person to

"And I couldn't have her here she has a car supplies she'll figure it out"I started crying once again my mouth hung open"Ill tell your dad don't tell anyone else yet"I nodded slowly blinking back the tears"okay"I breathed out

He went to turn around but stopped"would you have brought her back"he asked I knew I wouldn't he was doing the right thing but this was carol I dont think i would be able to send her away"She said she did it"I asked I had to make sure for sure that she did"Yeah"he said with a nod

"Then you were right to send her way I don't know if I could have"My voice cracked at the end of my words"you could have Maggie you done harder thing don't doubt yourself we don't get to anymore"He turned around and back to his car

Maybe he's right I could have and I have done harder things I just wish we didn't have to go through the harder things Daryl needs to get back and I need to get back to Thena

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