Chapter thirty-Six"Little ass kicker"

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  Some people didn't like Lori but I did and to be honest I cryed at her death and I cryed at Rick and Carl's reaction to it T dog to he wasn't as popular as the other but he was apart of that family and you know what happens with Carol so I'm not really sad about it

   Daryl moved away from me and up to Rick who was now sitting up Daryl moved his hand in front of Ricks face"Rick you with me"He said but I didn't look like Rick was listening to anything Daryl said"Rick"Maggie gave Carl The baby"Let me see the baby"Daddy said from in his spot

  "What are we gonna feed it"Daryl asked coming up next to Me"we got anything a baby can eat"Daryl looked at me for a second as I struggled to keep my balance"The good news is she looks Healthy"U smiled with a nod"But she needs formula and soon or she won't survive"Daryl shook his head

"Nope no way not her we ain't losing nobody else I'm going for a run"I looked at Daryl with fear"Ill back you up"Maggie said I want to go to I want to save this baby"Ill go to"I grabed Daryls arm and He looked at me and grabed my hip"Ill be fine you stay"he said he shook my head no"Okay Think off where we're going Beth"

  Daryl lead Beth away from the other and Maggie walked up to me"Are you alright any bites She asked looking me over"I-Im fine"I stuttered out"Okay"She said bering me into a hug"Well be okay"She said pulling away I sniffed slightly and rubbed my eyes

  "Daddy can you get her in the cell"Daddy nodded his head"We got her and the baby"you two get the fence to many pile up we got ourselves a problem"Daryl yelled Rick got up and picked up his Axe"Rick"I asked he didn't even look at me"GLENN MAGGIE VOMONOS"Rick started walking from ware Maggie came

"RICK"Maggie yelled for him but he ignored her"Get the gate Come on were gonna lose the light"I watch as Daryl walked away Maggie and Glenn followed running after him"Thena why don't you go inside get some rest"I looked down at the floor"Its okay we got it"Carl said looking at the baby

  I nodded and slowly started to walk my way into the cell I must of tore a muscle or something my leg Is hurting like a bitch I opened the cell door and walked up the stairs I got into my cell and sat on the bed I grabed a rag and started cleaning Myself I looked up in the mirror and saw a hicky forming

   I started to sob shaking my head why did guys always do that to me it leaves me with scars every time I pulled down my pants to change I didn't really have any scratches or anything that I needed to worry about I grabed another par of pants and put them on

   I was kinda dirty but I did clean up a little My face was cleaned I changed my shirt and I kinda feel a little bit better but Im still really taired and I was worried about Rick I bit my lip and stood up grabing my sword And walked out of my cell Daddy Beth and Carl was now inside and Carl was holding His baby sister

  "Ware you going"Beth asked looking at me as I entered the room"Im worried about Rick"I say looking down"He just fell to the ground he couldn't here what we were saying"I say pointing to the door"You can't go out there Thena look at you you barely made it back"Daddy said looking at me with worry

   "He's right Thena"I looked over at Glenn I thought he left"Well he can't just be alone and I thought yiu were going with Daryl"Glenn shruged"He had to take his bike and that only holds two people"I bit my lip and looked down"I have to go"I say walking towards the exit

  "No you rest I'll go a little bit later"Glenn said crossing his arms"What are you gonna do now"I ask him rasing an eyebrow"Im gonna go dig Graves for Carol, T-Dog and Lori"I licked my lips and looked down"Can I-"He cut me off"No you need to rest"

  I didn't want to just sit around here I wanted to go out and do something to take my mind off things"I can't just sit here"I said angry glaring at him"You can and you will"I was shocked at his response he's never been like that with me"What is wrong with you"I said shaking my head"Whats wring with me we let are guard down and three people died"

  I looked down again my eyes starting to sparkle"And on tip of that Rick is going crazy"I shook my head and limped away from him I have never heard Glenn so upset before But the way he was talking to me I was so pissed and I knew we were all morning are dead but that dosan't make it right

  I walked up the stairs and into my cell and threw my sword down I was not wanting to sleep because I knew I would wake up screaming again and I didn't want to deal with that I sat down and took out my coloring book and started to coler next time we go to a store I need to get new coler pencils and a new coloring book

  I was coloring this girl who was in a fuild she was by some water and it had a tree with a swing she was on the swing the water was behind her and she was smiling Pictures like these made me think about the old days when the world wasn't shit I looked down and on the floor was one of Darysl shirts

  I looked down at it full of thought wondering if I should put it on or not I normally don't ware Daryls clothes but I need comfort I put my coloring book down and threw my shirt off and put his on it was the only long sleeve shirt he had and he never really wore it he just keeps it in here

I pulled the sleeves down past my hands and put my hands to my fast and smelled it it smelled like him and I couldn't help but smile I let out a sob once again thinking back on all the times me Lori and Carl had the 8 months after the farm we had food times and we had bad times but more or less we were together

  I had told Lori a couple months ago that I would take care of The baby if anything happened to her I promised to take care if The baby and Carl and I just couldn't help by cry because I'm gonna have to take care of them because she's not here too I layed down and put the blanket over me I can already fell myself falling asleep I closed my eyes and the darkness came over me


  I woke up a couple hours latter I wipped the sleep out of my eyes and got up and walked down the steps it was dark out now when I walked into the eating room the Baby was crying in Carl's arms Daddy and Beth were sitting around the table

  "Did you get a good nap"Daddy asked I nodded slowly and sat by Carl"There not back"I asked looking around for Daryl and Maggie I was still in his shirt"Not yet but they should be soon"As if on cue Maggie comes through the door"Thena Beth"I sighed if relief when Maggie said are names

  Daryl behind him Daryl was in his poncho and he glanced at me looking me up and down for a second not in a sexual way more like in a way he was making sure I was okay It Didn't take long for Daryl to get up to Carl and to throw his poncho off of him"How she doin"Daryl asked croching down in front of Carl

  I smiled slightly when Daryl shushed the baby and took her slowly from Carl"Im sorry"Carl whispered Daryl stood up with Carl Daryl was just looking down at The baby in awe and the baby was calming down slightly Glenn walked in with Oscar

   Beth walked up to Daryl and gave him the bottle and Daryl started to feed the baby my heart wormed at the sight"shh Come on come on"Daryl said trying to get the baby to eat once the bottle was in the baby's mouth she stopped crying Daryl would have been an amazing dad just this sight alone

   Daryl chuckles a little but and looked up at me with a smile I looked down and rubber my arm a little bit This was the first time Daryl showed his soft side in front of the whole group I adored it"She got a name yet"Daryl asked swaying back and forth bottle in hand

  "Not yet"Carl said by Beth"but I was thinking maybe Sophia"I wish I knew Sophia but at the same time I was glad I didn't because thst would have been just another death To get over"Then there's Carol too"I bit my lip as Daryl looked down at Carl"And....Andrea Amy Jacqui Patricia"I looked down at her name

  I still remember showing her hand off to get Beth free from her grip"Or....Lori I don't know"Carl said looking down the pore kid lost his mom and I knew how that felt he must be devastated" like that huh?"Daryl said I smiled at him this was a moment I was always gonna remember no matter what

"Little ass kicker"I chuckled at him shaking my head As Daryl looked up at me and then around at everyone"Right that'd a good name Right"I could see Lori's reaction'we are not calling her that ni way'I couldn't help but smile but then tears started to form at the thought"Little ass kicker you like that huh you like that sweetheart"
  I wish he was there for are baby he never had this moment with her I looked down and then back up at Daryl he was already looking at me with a sad expression I smiled at him and nodded telling him it was okay before he went back to a smile and looked down at little ass kicker I loved these guys and I know little ass  kicker won't have a normal life but I will make sure she's happy.

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