Chapter twenty four"The farm is gone"

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The sun was still down as we sat in the living room"Im going after them"Andrea said starting to get up from the couch"Dont they could be anywhere"Lori sais as Andrea was now up"And if Randal comes back were gonna need you hear"I sighed and nodded

"She's right we need to stick together"I say by Maggie when we hear the door opened I was the first one to walk up to it to see Daryl"Oh my god.."I said with a sigh I ran up to Daryl and hugged him witch had him move his crossbow to the side"Your okay"I asked looking over him

"Im okay Thena"I nodded with a smile and gave him one last hug before I moved away from him to Glenn and hugged him tightly"Rick and Shane ai t back"Daryl asked walking futher into the house"No"Lori said shaking"We heard a shot"Daryl said looking at Lori

"Maybe they found Randall"Lori suggested"We found him"I sighed and nodded"Is he back in the shed?"Maggie asked as I walked back up to her"hes a walker"A walker what the he'll is going on I mean first Shane story dosant add up and now this

"Did you find the walker that bit him"My dad questioned"No the weird thing is he wasn't bit"I shook my head at Glenn Thats not possible he had to of been bit"His neck was broke"Me and Maggie looked back at Daryl Counfusd I can tell she was trying to come up with an answer to explain this

"So he fought back"Patricia said we all looked back at her"The thing is Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of eachother and shane aint no tracker so he didn't come up behind him"So Shane and Randall were together"Your saying they were together"I asked rubbing my lips with my fingers my other hand holding my elbow

"That's what I think"Daryl said with a nod"Would you please get back out there and find Rick and Shane and find out what on earthis goingon"Lori asked walking up to Daryl hands in a begging position Daryl nodded"you got it"Daryl said walking out witch had me follow him

"Daryl your going back out there again"I said closing my eyes"Ima go see what Shane is up to"He said making me sigh when we looked up I gasped at the sight there were walkers a huge heard of them Andrea and Glenn walked out of the house seeing what we were seeing

This is my home and there coming right for it I looked at Daryl full of fear what are we supposed to do with this we can't just sit here Daddy made hus way out seeing what we saw"Patricia kill the lights"Daddy whispered"Ill get the guns"Andrea said walking in Maggie stood next to me

"Maybe they're just passing like the herd on the highway should we just go inside"I really don't think that a good Idea Glenn I said to myself"not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about"I looked at Glenn as Daryl talked behind Glenn was Carol who had just the same amount of fear

"A herd that size would Rip the house down"My house us gonna be gone after tonight.....and I didn't like it no matter what happens to us we might go with the house"Carls gone"I looked back at Lori fear stricking my body"what"Daryl said"He--he was upstairs I can't find him anymore"Damn it Carl"Maybe he's hiding"I nodded at Glenn

"Glenn's probably right if he seen the heard he's probably scared to come out"I say trying to calm Lori down"Hes supposed to be upstairs I'm not leaving without my boy"sge cryed in fear"Were not were were gonns look again were gonna find him"Carol said as they walked unto the house

"That dumb boy"I say shaking my head Andrea sat down the guns and started passing them out Maggie was down beside her grabing two gun and handing one to glenn I bent down and grabed a Mossberg 500"Maggie"Glenn said shocked"You grow up country you pick up a thing or two"Me and Maggie cocked are guns at the same time

Daryl looked at me with a smirk before he looked back at the walkers"I got the numbers its no use"Daryl said shaking his head"you can go if you want"Dad said making me shake my head I walked back into the house ware Lori was looking for Carl"Hes not here he's not here"She cryed Carol next to him

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