Chapter twenty nine-"Camp fire song"

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hey yall what's your favorite episode of the walking dead mine is probably the walking dead the episode ware Rick says we're not like them!!! Oh who am I kidding I like all the episodes

We all walked back down to the entryway for the cars smiles on are faces"fantastic"Carol said as we ran into carl"Good shot bud"I said with a smile"Nice shooting"Daryl said looking at Me Daddy smiled at me I'm glad he see Daryl as a good man now before I don't think he did

I watch as Daddy placed a hand on Daryls back"Yeah"I say noding I looked down at Carl with a smile as we walked uo to lori"you okay"Lori nodded with a smile we all had smiles"I haven't felt this good in weeks"lori said to Carol"thats good"I say placing my hand on her arm as we walked into the fild

"Oh!"Carol laughs running slightly arms out"we haven't had this much space since the farm"I smirk and ran with here I fell to the ground with a smile my arms out on the grass but sat up when I heard Growling I watch as Glenn took care of it"Here"Daryl said holding his hand out

I smiled and took it going to my feet T dig lauphs holding hid hands up"WHOO!"He yelled making me laugh"HELL YEAH"i screamed shaking my head and looking down"i haven't seen you this happy I a long time"Daddy said as I walked up to him I shruged"Todays a good day I got my family my lover and plenty of space"I said making him smile

"Lover?"He questioned lauphing"What else am I supposed to call him my boyfriend now that's just lame"Daryl walked past me"says you"I playfully rolled my eyes at Daryl"shush you"I said Daddy shook his head and walked away from me

<<<Later that Night>>>

We sat around a camp fire in the middle of the fuild Daryl was on watch he was standing on a bus that was on its side I sat next to Maggie finishing my peice of squirrel Daryl had caught when he went out for firewood

"Mmm just like mom used to make"Glenn said beside Maggie on her otherside I watched as he threw the bone as hard as he could I snorted at him yeah this is totally just like mom used to make I looked up at Daryl wirh a smile Carol was going over to Daryl to feed him

"Tommow well put all the bodies together want to keep them away from that water"T started I looked over at him"Now if we can figure a canal under the fence we'll have plenty of fresh water"Water sounds amazing I'm so thirsty"And this soil is good we could plant some seed"I took another bit and looked at Daddy

"Grow some tomatoes cucumbers soybeans"God that sounds like a dream"Thats his third time around"I looked over at Rick ware Daddy was pointing"If there was any part of it compromised he'd have found it"I looked down with a sigh Ricks been different since the garm since he told us he killed Shane we haven't seen him smile

But today we have when he was shooting but now he's back to being sad Rick"This'll br a good place to have the baby"I looked over at Beth as she changed the subject"safe"I nodded my head"Yeah it will be"I said looking down

I can't believe we found a place what once keep people in now keeps those things out I mean we were damn lucky to find this place I looked back at Daryl and snorted when I saw him giving Carol a back rub he's good at those though damn good I'm glad he has a friend like Carol

"Bethy sing paddy Reilly for me"Daddy asked I closed my eyes tightly"I haven't heard that think since your mother was alive"That was the first song Mom ever taught me and Maggie we used to sing it all the time"Daddy not that one please"Maggie asked I put my hand on her knee

Daddy thinks for a moment"How about the parting glass"Thats a good song and Bethy is just like her mom talented and singing"No one wants to hears"I smiled and shook my head everyone looked at Beth"Why not"Glenn said I couldn't help but smile wider at him

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