Chapter seven-"If I lost him"

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  Hey yall sorry I haven't posted!!! I've Been a bit busy I hope you like it I know the chick I've made for Athena is used on a lot of the walking dead books but I love her so I used her sorry she's not different!!!!

  I placed the Ham in the oven to cook"Oh ueah"Lori said to something Carol said"I never thought I'd be so happy to see a potato"I chuckled at her"Im just glad we're not roasting squirrels over a fire in the woods"I smiled and looked down oping the can of green beans

"Thank you Patricia so much for letting us I to your house"I smiled at them as I pored the juice out of the van of green beans You know Athena you don't have to help"Carol sais with a smile"Im okay with it I cook for My family all the time"

   They looked at me and nodded and I put the green beans in a fancy wooden bowl"I can help ya with the mashpotatoes I do um good"I say walking over to Carol"Show me your ways"She said making me chuckle"God I miss this"Lori said with a chuckle ad I put seasoning on the potatos

  "I love beans"I looked over st Patricia as she sturs some gravy on the table"Yeah so does Thena she makes two different kinds for dinner"I blush at Beth and shrug"Im a bean eater not my fault"I chuckled and shook my head"Hey you guys got it from here ima go talk with Glenn"Lori looked at me with a smile

  "Of course"I smiled and washed my hands in the sink and walked out of the house I didn't take me long to get up to the Rv Andrea was holding a gun on top for lookout"Hey Dale do you know ware Glenn is"I asked as he started walking inside"Yeah in the Rv"I nodded and looked down

"Alright I'll just talk to him latter"I wasn't sure if I was allowed to go in there I turned around"hey Athena"I turned back around and looked at Dale"If you need anything I'm your man just give me a haller"I smiled at him"Thanks Dale I will"I walked away from him and looked up

  "What ya doing up there Andrea"I asked from down below"I don't want to do laundry no more I want to protect the group"I understood that because that was me at first I wanted to protect my people my family"Oh okay well your holding the gun wrong"I tell her as she holds it

"How"She asked making me shrug"First of all keep your finger off the trigger"I tell her walking away When Glenn walked out of the Rv he smiled at me but then frowned"hey"He said holding his hat"Dale said you were looking for me"I shruged

"Maggie been acting off I wanted to know if you had something to do with that"He looked down with had me raise my brow"Im don't k-"He was cut off by Andrea"Walker. Walker!"She yelled My eyes go wide as I walked away from the Rv so I can see"Just the one?"Rick questioned

   He held his hand over his eyes as I looked at the tree line"I bet I can nail it from here"I looked up at her"No no Andrea put the gun down"Rick said to Andrea"You best let us handle this"I looked back and saw shane he had his buttons on his shirt undon showing his chest"Andrea! No my dad want to take care of walkers"

  Shane walked past me"What for girl we got it covered"I followed Shane as he ignored me"SHANE!"I warned and followed him as he started running towards it T-Dog has joined us and so has Glenn whobwas right by my side Rick was behind Shane

  When we got up to the walker I froze in my spot he had ears around his neck his face was bloody as Rick held his gun up pointing it at him"Is that Daryl"Glenn asked no...I never got a chance to forgive him he can't be dead"NOO"I yelled falling down to the ground tears falling from my eyes

   Glenn was by my side in seconds holding me to his chest"I never...I never"I started sobbing not able to get a word out"I-Can't"Glenn pulled me into him"Dont look thena"He whispered"Get her out of here!"Rick  warned as I sobbed"Thats the third time you've pointed that thing at my head"

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