chapter twenty one-"we lost Dale"

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I love how Indapendent Athena is like she dosan't need to be near Daryl 24/7 know what I mean most of the books I read the reader is with Daryl alot I mean I understand it is a Daryl Dixon x read lol I just like how I don't have Thena with Daryl 24/7

Instead of going to the shed I walked up to the barn ware Carl was"Hey bud"I said with a smile"Hey"He looked at the barn witch had me look to"Your dad in there"I asked making him nod"I hate how they see me as weak"

I sighed and nodded"I know Carl but you need to show them your not"He looked at me Counfusd"How?"He asked"Be an adult"I said with a soft smile"I can try"I smiled and pit my hand on his shoulder"Good boy"I said making him smile"So Carl I haven't talk to you much"He nodded and looked down

"I wanna get to know you"He looked up at me and sighed"I used to be a fun kid"I chuckled softly"I still think you are a fun kid"He shruged and looked down"There gonna kill the kid"He said with a sigh"Your dad's doing what he's gotta to keep ya alive"He smiled and nodded

"I like your accent"He said making Mr chuckle"You grow up country you pick it up"He looked down slightly"can you tell me about Alexxa"I looked up at him full of thought"Sure"I said sighing"she's had the most gorgeous blue eyes you can see"He nodded with a smile"Shw would be your age by now"I said looking down

" ya..."He started but looked down"What"I asked with a smile"Nevermind"He said kicking a Rock on the ground"No Carl go ahead"I said letting him know he was okay"Do you think she would be alive now"I sighed and looked down"I don't know I try not to think that hard about it"I said making him nod

"She would be like you"I looked up and looked at him"She won't even know who I was Carl and I haven't seen her since she was a baby"He nodded with a sigh"A mother always knows her daughter and a daughter always knows her mother"That was achully really smart of the kid I smiled and chuckled

"Thanks Carl"I said licking my lips"it would be nice to have a girl my age"He said with a blush looking down"You have Beth"I say looking to the house"Yeah but she's older them me and she dosan't look like you"I looked at him Counfusd"Im just saying I bet your daughter looks like you and you know your sorta pretty"

I couldn't help but start laughing"Oh Carl that was the funny thing I've heard all day"He looked over at the Graves and got that sad look in his eyes"C-come to the Graves with me"I nodded and held his hand making are way over I watch as he sat down by Sophias grave"Well never see her again"He said shaking his head

I sighed and sat next to him"Carl-"He cut me off with an angry look good I remember mode swings I had"I wanted to be the one to find her"We heard footsteps"You know well see sophia again in heaven some day"I looked up at Carol Carl just sat there an played with empty bolts

"She's in a better place"Carl look up at Carol with a glare"No she's not"I gasped at Carl as he stood up witch had me stand up to"Heaven is just another lie"I shook my head in shock"Carl"I said making him look at me"and if you believe it your an Idiot"I looked over at Carol who just looked so hurt

I watched at Carl walked away"Im so so sorry"I said looking at Carol as she looked down"I-Ill go talk to him"I said running after him when I caught up to him I put my hand on his shoulder"LEAVE ME ALONE"He yelled looking at me"JUST GO"He said walking away

I put my hand on my heart tears sprinkled my eyes I turned around and started walking to the shed when I git there I stood there leaning on it"Hello"The kid asked but I just ignored him"Please that other girl didn't get me water can you get me some"I shook my head and sat down not moving

"I beg ya"I looked in the crack of the doors and side"Please your pretty if that helps my case"I glared at the door that wasn't helping his case jot at all achully it pissed me off

I sat there for a few hours holding my sword in my hand"Hey"I looked up at T dog"Hey"I said standing up"Its my shift"I smiled and nodded"Thanks"I said walking away I found myself walking in the filds with a sigh the sun going down

I found some old hey bails we had out here and sat on them looking down at the ground I sat there for an hour or so the sun was now just going down"Enjoying a midnight walk"I asked Dale who walked up to me"there killing the kid"he sighed as I looked down"Hows Beth"He asked sitting down next to me

"She tryed to kill herself"I said tears now in my eyes"Glenn told me what happened with you and Shane"I sighed and looked down crying"Daryl took care of That"I said with a smile"Good se Daryl needs someone like you"I sighed and nodded"Seems like sometimes were so busy doing are own things that were slipping away"he shook his head

"He wont and you won't was he your first"I looked over at him and nodded"Yeah"I said with a nod"You always love your first"I chuckled at Dale"Go cheek on your sister"Thanks Dale I said walking away from him when I heard him screaming I turned around and saw a walker"DALE"I yelled running up to him

I tripped over a rock trying to get to him and hit another Rock making my head start to bleed"DALE"I said getting up off the ground I ran up to him but it was to Late"NOOO"I yelled killing the walker the walker digged into him already Iboushed the walker off and feel to his side

"I shouldn't have left you"I say tears in my eyes Daryl was the first one by my side as I Cryd"WHAT HAPPENED"He yelled I shook my head shock covering my face as I looked down at him"We were talking and I walked away and I heard him screaming"I cryed holding his hand

"HELP OVER HERE HELP RUN"Daryl yelled waving his hands everyone"Who is is!"Andrea questioned else made there way up to us and I couldn't help but cry when Dale's hand touched my cheek I looked down at him I didn't even know him I watch Andrea stare down at him tears In her eyes

"Oh oh my god"Rick said looking down at Him he criched down"RICK!"Lori yelled as Andrea dropped her gun and fell next to Rick"Listen to me all right just listen"Rick said taping her cheek"Okay hold on now GET HERSHEL"Rick yelled I honestly blacked out looking at Dale

I shook my head again backing away slowly I honestly felt dizzy I can hear yelling but it's faint as I looked at Dale this was my fault I should have stayed longer this was all my fault when I tuned back in Daryl was croched down holding a gun to Dale I looked up and saw my dad hear now

"Sorry brother"I heard Daryl say before a gunshot can be heard through the field I gasped and stood up shaking my head as I stumbled back to the house Daryl shot him I understand he was in pain but it still hurt to know that Dale was gone and I couldn't get to know him

I walked into the house and up the stairs to my room and I walked out onto the deck feeling the air hit my skin I haven't been up here for awhile I closed my eyes but all I pictured was Dale's hand on my cheek and looking up at me tears in his eyes I couldn't help but think this was my fault

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