Chapter thirty-two-"Hershal"

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  I pulled away from my dad's head from kissing it I still held my dad's hand"Who the he'll are you"Daryl asked crossbow raised ready to shoot if need be"who the he'll are you"Another of them asked"Hes bleeding out we gotta go back"I was to taired from crying that I didn't want to move

   "Come around here put pressure on the knee"Maggie went to one Knee and Glenn went to the other I held my dad's hand In my lap"Hard Push! Push push"I leaned down to daddy"Its okay daddy you stay with me"I cryed I didn't want to look over at Glenn or Maggie

   "Why don't you come on out of there?"Daryl said I looked up to see a guy in a white tang top his jumped around his waist he was looking at me the most and I hated it"Slow and steady"Daryl said I hedl my dad's head and hand trying to keep him as close as I could I should have stayed with him like I said I would

  Instead I wanted comfort from Daryl"what happened to him"I looked up who I think was threader if the small group"He got bit"Darly said the guy had a small gun in his pocket witch I didn't like at all"Bit"The guy said taking the gun out slowly I gasped slightly and looked back down

I was scared for Daryl now and at this point I didn't want to be here anymore"whoa whoa whoa easy now"Daryl sais to the guys I slowly put my hand to My dad's next I sighed of relief when he still had a heartbeat but it was faint The guy raised the gun and pointed it at T who had his gun out on the dude

  Glenn went around trying to look for stuff to put on his leg to stop it from  bleeding"Nobuddy Needs to get hurt"Rick looked up at me"I need you to hold his leg"I bit my lip and nodded Maggie moved out of the way holding one sids and I pushed hard on his leg his blood was on my hands now

Rick got up but I didn't think about anything else"Your gonna be okay"I whispered again"Maggie"I asked in a shaky voice"I-Im okay"She stuttered out I nodded and looked back down at his leg Holding it as tight as I could "do you have medical supplies"Glenn said going in the back

I ended up letting out a sob witch has all the prisoners to look at me"Dont ya be looking at her"Daryl said making me face palm myself with an invisible hand Growling made me look up at the door as it started to move"Shit"I said shaking my head"who the he'll are you people anyway"The guy with the gun asked

  "Don't look like no rescue teamsters ginger one sais as Rick lifted Daddy up"If a rescue team is what you're waiting for dont"Rick yelled I heard a noise in the back making me jump Glenn went back there"Come on we gotta go"Rick said putting Daddys arm around his shoulder"Maggie hold his hole leg"she nodded and did as told

I got up and grabed Daddys other arm"We need a hand here"Glenn ran back in and held Daddys leg up me and Rick held his arms to put him on the rolling table Glenn had found"Holy Jesus"One of the men sais as we got him on the table"T THE DOOR!"Rick yelled I stood next to the table

  I walked around Rick Now that Glen had the other side of daddy and walked on Maggie's side I held Daddys hand as we pushed the cart"Dont you open that"one of the black men asked"We got this"Rick said as T opened the door witch had walkers start coming in

  T killed it"DARYL"I looked back at Daryl as Rick yelled for him"DARYL"Rick yelled again but he still didn't listen"DARYl"I yelled he looked back at me for a second and he started making his way two us still rasing his crossbow we weeked the table out of the room

  "Your okay daddy"I said holding his hand I have never seen him so scared when that walker bit him never and it pained me"This way"Rick Saud as we ran down the hall wheeling the table with us we turned a corner"This way this way"Glenn has his gun out in front of us when a walkers cut us off

  I was shaking like crazy"No No No go back back!"Rick yelled he pushed the Table the other way Daryl was now in front of us"DARYL"I yelled warning him of the walker witch he shot he pulled his bolt out of the walker"Come on"Daryl yelled"Go go"I didn't know what was happening I was so overwhelmed

  We turned the corner and I ended up having to move away from my dad ad with how fast we were moving I couldn't get back I my spot I bit my lip as I took out my sword And got next to Daryl he looked down at me for a second ans we ended up behind the group again

  When we heard talking Rick told us to stop Daryl pointed at the way we came the guys had followed as they rounded the corner the leader has his gun out rasing it at us"Lets go go go go"Daryl said as we started to run faster but we could only run so fast with pushing my dad"Daryl keep looking back at the guys who were getting closer and closer

  "Come on"Daryl said moving us to the front of the group he took out his keys and opened the door to our cell block"Hes losing to much blood"Maggie said as we got him threw the door"OPEN THE DOOR ITS HERSHAL"Rick yelled everyone was waiting for us at the door"CARL COM ON"carl was unlocking the door as fast as he could

  "DADDY"Beth yelled with fear"GO GO GO IN THERE"Rick yelled We put the tabel into the cell block"Get him on the bedrock yelled I dropped my sword looking at him in shock I couldn't hear anything that was being said all I saw were people trying to help my dad they lifted him up"THENA"I jumped slightly

  I looked at Daryl with fear"Come with me"he said softly I looked at him then my dad"Come on you need a minute"I nodded and followed him into the other room"Those guys are gonna come though here but I need to get ya away from that message said as I looked back at the door"I have to go back in I can't leave my Daddys side"

  Daryl nodded and I hugged him tightly I pulled away from him with a soft smile"Go to your daddy"He said I nodded I leaned up and kissed him and second latter I ran back into the cell block Beth was being hugged by Lori"Come here"I said to her and she came up to me hugging Me"you think you can stabilize him?"Rick asked as I held onto Beth

I was sobbing at this point I couldn't control it"I need to keep his leg elevated"Carol sais holding his leg"GET SOME PILLOWS"Carol yelled looking around Rick ran out of the room"hes already bled through the sheets"Maggie said looking down at him"We can burn the wound to colt the blood I can start a fire"Glenn said with fear

"God no please don't do this"Beth Cryed lifting from my chest"No the shock can kill him"Carol said Lori came back with more towels"Its not gonna stop the arteries from bleeding"I moved over to Maggie and hugged her it didn't take her long to hugged me back as we looked down at our dad

  Beth stood ware I once was by herself"We need to just keep it dressed and let it heal on its own"Carol said as she pressed on dad's leg Glenn checked his neck"Oh god"he said as he leans on daddy"Hes alive"I sighed and looked at maggie"Are you okay"she nodded and I walked back over to Beth

  She took me into a hug not even seconds latter"Find anything pillowcases anything"Carol said looking up again we heard yelling from outside those stupid prisoners"What was that"Beth asked lifting off me"Prisoners survives its all right everyone stay put"Rick said walking out but not before telling Glenn to follow

   "I don't like the prisoners"I said as Beth hugging me again I wasn't as big as a mess as I was only because Daryl calmed me down I really needed that kiss"We need more"I let go of Beth and ran out of the cell and up to my cell I snached the blanket from it and ran back down the steps"Here here"I said to carol"She gasped and grabed it and started raping the blanket around his leg

  Carl ran out of the cell I leaned down on my knees and grabed Daddys hand"God daddy please"I begged throwing my head up begging to whatever God is there Please Don't take my Daddy we need him I started to cry once again I was thankful I didn't hear anymore yelling in the other room but it also had me worried I opened my eyes and looked down at my dad"I love you"I whispered as Carol looked st me




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