Chapter Forty-Nine-"The meeting"

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  Hey yall how have you been I been on vacation so that's why I haven't posted I just got home so I hope you like this chapter The next few chapters your gonna see a lot of change in Athena I hope you like the change

Michonne, Rick and Carl got back they said that they had found a person who saved Ricks life in the beginning of all this and they brought back tones of guns that was what we needed

I was worried about Rick and them when they didn't get back But I'm glad they are now Carl showed me a picture of him his mom and Rick Rick looked so young in that picture Now we're just pulled up to the spot ware the Governor wanted to have a meeting

  We were gonna scoop it out make sure it was safe Daryl and I pulled up to huge water tanks on a farm that was close to the prison I didn't like this Governor only because he hurt my sister and my best friend

  When Daryl stopped his bike her stood up but his legs were still over his bike I put my hand on his shoulder and threw my legs over the bike getting off it I licked my lips and looked at the barn that was on the farm I was nervous but we had to stay sharp

  Daryl kicked his bike stand down and climbed off Rick was out of the car bow telling Daddy to stay put"Stay with Your dad"Rick whispered so quality I could barely hear him I nodded and held my Mossberg 500 in my hands

I bit my lip and got into the car with  dad while Rick rang around the barn out of sight with Daryl Dad held up just gun and looked out of the car suspiciously I took a breath I was nervous being away from Daryl in this situation had me nervous

  I know he can take care if himself but anything can happen I looked down and saw daddy lift up his pant leg and check the pistol that was tapped to his leg he looked up at me for a second with a soft smile before he looker back  down

Daddy really has changed it went from no weapons in the house to this   Daddy put hid pant leg back over the gun when we saw Daryl walking to us Daddy pulled the car uo to the door of the barn but not to close

  Daryl held his crossbow tight and Daryls walked up to the window of the car"Hes already I'm there"Daryl said making me tense up I held my gun tighter Daryls Glanced at me in the passenger set then back and my dad"Sat down with Rick"

  I chewed on my lip nervously it was silent for a few seconds while Daddy looked around"I don't see any cars"I nodded slowly of course Philip would do this I never really meet him but the story's I've heard I wanna get my daughter out of there as soon as possible

  "It don't feel right"Daryl said looking around to"Keep it running"Daryl nodded I slowly opened my door and stepped out I walked around turned front of the car When the sound of a load engine approached

I lifted my gun just ad Daryl lifted his crossbow Daddy got out of the car as the car got closer to us there were to guys in the truck they went threw the gate and pulled to a stop  I looked down and looked back up Daryls shirt was riden up from holding his crossbow now was not the time to be looking at Daryls exposed skin

   The two boys stepped out of the cat one was waring a plad shirt with glasses he looked like a nerd Andrea got out of the car and walked around to us"what the he'll why's your boy already in there"Daryl said looking at Andrea his ginger on the trigger ready to shoot

  "He's here"Andrea asked looking at the boy with the chain around his neck"He sure is"I say holding my gun up Andrea shook her head with a sigh before she walked uo to the barn door and slid it open before

  I slowly pointed my gun back to the ground but I was ready To pull it up quickly if need be I miss my sword but moments like these I need a weapon that fast Daryl started to pace while I stood next to my dad behind Daryl

   The other boys leaned on there cars I was starting to get really Nervous because of Daryls pacing so I reached up and placed a hand on His shoulder He paused and looked down at me he sighed and stopped moving He was standing next to me and my dad now

  "Maybe I should go inside"I shook my head northeast Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately"The nerd said looking up from his righting"Who the he'll are you"Daryl asked I was wondering the same thing The nerd glanced at me then back at Daryl

"Milton mamet"I snorted and looked down trying to cover uo the snort with a couph"Great he brought his butler"I couldn't stop thr small lauph that flew threw my mouth Daryl glanced at me with a smirk Daryl even made The guy with the chain chuckle

  "I'm his advisor"Yeah well he ain't doing to good with his advice just looked how fucked up The Governor was"What kind of advice"Daryl asked walking back up next to me"planning biters"Milton said a bit annoyed

  "Uh, you know I'm sorry"Milton started"I don't feel like I need to Explain myself to the henchem and the henchmens Girlfriend"Was it that obvious that we were together"You better watch your mouth sunshine"I bit my lip and looked Daryl up and down

He was hella hot when he said that"Look if you and I are gonna be out here pointing guns at eachother all day"I raised my eyebrow looking at the man"Do me a favor and shut your mouth and make sure you keep your little sluts mouth shut to"He said looking at me

  Daryl walked up to the man and stood Dangerously close to him there faces inches apart while I raised my gun up and pointed it at him he had no right to say that to me"we don't need this"Dad saos holding his gun to the air

   "If all goes south in there we'll be st eachothers throats soon enough"Dad was right I sighed and lowered my gun to the ground but Daryk still didn't move while he looked Into the man eyes What the man said really pissed him off

  I walked up and placed my hand on Daryls shoulder"Daryl"I warned he glanced and me and back at the man but nodded I dropped my hand and we walked in the middle of my dad and the two men I licked my lips and walked over to the cat and leaned on it Daddy walked over to the barn

  I sighed and looked down Daryl walked up to me and leaned next to me"You good"Daryl whispered looking down at me"Im good"I say back to him When Andrea walked out of the barn she looked really stressed she walked over to the bench outside and sat down

  I looked down and tapped my gun with my fingers while I held it I wasn't sure how long we were going to be here but let me tell you the long I set here the more nervous I get I wanted to do something instead of just sitting here I was worried about everyone back at the prison

  Maggie,Carl, Glenn and Beth they all were there and if the Governor sent his men to Kill them while we were here I was gonna be pissed The man with the chain sat up and walked over to the door of the barn and closed it I was worried about Rick in there alone he's stronge but like I said with Daryl anything can happen



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