Chapter nineteen-"Wolf and the sheep"

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    I sat outside the shed listening to Daryl punch the guy over and over again Daryl new I was outhere he didn't even need to see me to know it was me I heard yet another blow to the face and then more whimpers

  I closed my eyes as I heard more punching but I knew I couldn't leave Daryl can't do this alone"I told you"The boy cryed"YIU TOLD ME SHIT"Daryl yelled I looked through the crack to see Daryk slamming him against the wall"I barely knee those guys I meet em on the Road"Yelled the kid

  "HOW MANY IN YOUR GROUP"I looked threw the crack again to see Daryl take out his knife"Uh no no No no no No no no come on man"The boy cryed I turned around when I sawy Daryl throw the knife the the ground as the kid yells"HOW MANY"Daryl yelled"Uh 30 30 30 guys"If he's telling the truth and those boys cane here were dead

   "Ware"I asked the kid leaning over him my knife stuck in the floor"Uh...."I didn't hesitate I had to get answers I pulled off the pad that was on his leg not going easy on it neither"I don't know I swear"I put my knife to his scabe

  "We were never anyplace more then a night"I pushed my knife slightly into it"Scouting planning on staying local"?"I asked not giving up"I--I don't know-They they left Mre behind"He was telling  the truth on that one thats what Rick sais happened

  "Did you ever pick off a scab"I asked pushing the knife deeper I looked over at the door seeing an eye peeking threw I knew it was thena"Come one man"The kid said I looked back over st him with a glare"Im I'm trying to cooperate"Ya bull the kid hasn't told me anything but he has 30 men

  "Starts real slow at first"The boy grunts in pain"No"The kid begged but I couldn't stop not tell I get something"Sooner or latter you've just gotta Rio it off"I glared at him while I pushed the knife futher"Okay okay they gave weapons heavy stuff automatics but i didn'tdo anything"

   Why would he tell me he didn't do anything unless he did di something"Your boys shot at my boys  tried to take this farm tryed to harm my woman you just went along for the ride your tryingto tell me your innocent"Bullshit everyone in this would has done some shit

   "YES"The boy cryed"These--These people took me in not just guys woman a whole group of em"I stood up taking the knife away from his leg"men and woman"I jumped at him like I was gonna do something just to scare him"Kids to---just like you people thought I'd have a chance with un ya know"

  Yeah I knew why do ya think I stayed with this group so long we needed people"but..."The kid started as I turned around looking at the wall"we go out scavenge-Just the men one night we found this little camp a man and his two daughters"I didn't like the way this kid was talking about that family

  "Teenagers you know real young and cute"I turned around slowly looking back at him I knew ware this was going"Their daddy had to watch while these guys they and they didn't even kill them afterwards"These men raped those woman"They just they just made him watch and there daughters they just left him there"

  The boy sat there remembering that time I assume and the look on his face made me think he liked it I couldn't help but look at the door ware Thena was this has to be making her upset I'm still pissed about what Shane did he touched my girl and anyone who does that I wanna kill um torture them slow

  Athena pov

   I closed my eyes as my body shook listen to this guy talk about those daughters like they were I just tuned them out Closing my eyes thinking about that day Shane got on top of me my body started shaking slightly

  "Thena"I looked up and saw Daryl coming out of the shed"Are you okay"He asked comming up to me"That group...."I said shaking my head"They can't come here"He nodded and sighed"Lets go so he dosant here us"Daryl said putting a hand on my back and walking away

  I stopped and grabed his hand it was all bloody"can I clean um"I asked looking up and him"Yeah later for now let's go tell um what these guys can do"I nodded just as he grabed my hand and started walking as soon as we got up to the group he dropped my hand

"Boy there got a gang 30 men"Daryl sais as we got up to the group"They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends"I bit myblip and looked down"They roll through here our boys our dead and are woman they're gonna wish they were"I looked up to see Daryl looking at me

  I didn't want to be near Shane I just watch him avoid my eyes looking at everything but me"what did you do"Carol asked"He did what he had to"I say folding my arms"No one goes near this guy"I wasn't planning on to"Rick what are you gonna do"Lori asked walking up to Rick

  "We have no choice he's a threat we have to Eliminate the threat"I sighed and looked down I can't do this I shook my head and started walking towards the house I didn't want to deal with this I hated it I hated that they brought the kid here to are farm I walked into the house and into Beth's room

  "Hey Bethy"I said with a small smile she looked down at me ashamed"Its okay"I said lifting her chin"Im not mad I wanted to at some point to but we have to live we have to fight"Zhe nodded with a sobbed and hugged me"Im so so sorry"Shs cryed as I rubbed her back"Shh your alright"I said with a smile
  "I do I do want to live for my family"I nodded slightly"I am so glad you feel that way now"She smiled and looked down"Daryls not gonna leave you"I chuckled at her and nodded"I hope your right Bethy"I Am so glad she's here and wants to live now


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