Chapter Thirty-Seven-"Okay Mom"

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   We were sat in the eating room eating breakfast it was oatmeal I sat in between Daryls legs on the stairs as we ate everyone else was at the table eating"Everybody okay"We looked up at the door and saw Rick I smiled at him but he sounded really sad when he spoke

  "Yeah we are"I looked over at Maggie then back over to Rick as he walked in silince filled the air as he walked futher in I looked down and took a bit of my food"What about you"Daddy asked I looked back up"I cleared out the boiler block"All by himself....I closed my eyes ans shook my head

  "How many were there"I looked up at Daryl there was probably alot"I don't know a Dozan or two Dozan"He must have a lot of anger I knew that those two were having some love trouble in there relationship things were starting to get better it seemed"I have to get back just wanted to check on carl"Rick tapped Carl's back

  "Rick we can handle taking out the bodies"Glenn got up from his spot and looked at Rick"You don't have to"I knew the look on Ricks face He wasn't gonna stay"No I do"Rick said avoiding Glenn's eyes I froze when Rick started to walk fastly towards me and Daryl"Everyone have a gun and a knife"I nodded

"We sure do boss"I say softly showing him my knife"Yeah were running low on ammo though"I looked up at Daryl then back at Rick"Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon"I really wanted to go with but Glenn keep saying no witch pissed me off

  "Found a phone book with some places we can hit look for bullets and formula"I took another bite of my oatmealc"we cleared out the generator room"I wanted to help with that two but everyone's been up my butt about resting I don't get it It's just a pulled muscle

  "Axels there trying to fix it in case of emergency were gonna sweep the lower levels as well"Im going to that no matter what Daryl says my leg feels fine"Good good"Rick started to walk away but I stood up"Rick"I said shaking my head As he walked out"Ill be back"I say walking towards the exit he just came from

  I was gone before anyone can stop me thank goodness"Rick"I said again he turned around"I just wanted to talk to you"I said looking down"You know your are leader and we need you"I say making him shake his head"Im not your leader I'm someone who's keeping you alive"I nodded and looked down

  "Lori wouldn't have wanted this"I say with a sigh"She would have wanted you to be with Carl through this and take care off ass kicker"He raised his eyebrow"Daryl"He asked making me nod with a smile"You and Lori got close"Rick asked looking down"Yeah we did"I say my eyes starting to water

"W-was she proud of me"He asked hid face was full of pain"Oh"I said putting my hand on my heart"Yes of course she was"I say noding"She loved you to Rick she wanted so badly to fix things"Rick looked down with a sigh"I have to go"He said starting to walk away again"Rick hand on"I said

  He stopped in his tracks and I walked up to Jim He didn't turn towards me at all he just looked away hand on his gun that was intell I hugged him from behind"We all love you Rick"I say raping my hands around his chest he brought his hand to his eyes and started sobbing"Lori"I nodded slowly

  "I know"I say he pulled away from me and started walking away I sighed and turned around and started to walk back in"Is he okay"Carl asked as I walkwd back in"He really misses your mom is all"I say sitting back in between Daryls leg Daryl put his hand in my shoulder

  I looked back up at him"Are you gonna finish your food"I looked down at my food I left sitting there"No you can have it"he nodded and picked the bowl up and started eating it

  I held my sword as we started walking in the Lower section of the prison I beg Daryl to let Me go and thank go he did Oscar was with us as we walked in Bodies were on the floor as Daryl held a flashlight in his hand crossbow in the other

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