Chapter sixty one-"50 Miles"

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Hey guys what's up yes yes you heard it all before I'm making a new walking dead book its called the Dead ones A girl Name Avery Collins who wonders into the outside of Shane's camp I would go check it out if you like

I woke up with Daryl leaning on the wall yet again"Daryl"I asked looking up at him He looked upset but I know that face it was the face that we had lost someone

"Who"I asked looking up at him my hands starting shaking"Karen and David"I hated to feel this way but I was thankful it wasn't someone who was with us from the start

"How did we lose um"I asked as he leaned off the wall"Someone dragged them outside and burned them"I closed my eyes and sat up"Someone did that to them"Daryl nodded and sat down next to me

"How is Tyrese"Daryl shook his head"hes upset he punched Rick who punched Tyrese back"I closed NY eyes again"I wish I was out there I hate that I'm sick"

Daryl sighed"I hate that your sick to but there's nothin we can do except have you rest"I smiled softly and looked up at him"Hows the kids"I Saud changing the subject

"Alex cryed a bit last night but Carl cheered her up"I smiled and looked down I was thankful for Carl"I think Carl's good for her"Daryl nodded and handed me a cup of water

"Yeah she really likes him"I chuckled and took a sip but it went down the long pipe and started coughing I held my hand up to my lips and when I looked at my hand it had blood on it

I coughed once again and Daryl was quick to sit me up a little bit more"are you okay"I looked up at him and looked at my hands"Oh yeah just peachy"Daryl layed me bsck down and grabed a rag

"Here"I started cleaning up the blood"I need to go to a council meeting soon"Daryl said looking down at me I nodded slowly"Did anyone else get the sickness"

Daryl nodded"Yeah Sasha most of the people in D"I bit my lip thinking back to Glenn he was in D"Is Glenn okay He was In D"Daryl Nodded

"He hasn't got it yet but I'll tell you if he does he seems okay though"I sighed if relief and closed my eyes like he was listening Glenn came up fromt he trap door"The meeting starting"he said looking at Daryl then me

"Wow you look like shit"I chuckled and shook my head"Wow thanks Glenn"Glenn smiled and nodded"Get better Thena"Glenn closed the latch and left

"I gotta go Darlin"I smiled and looked up at him"Love you"I said closing my eyes again"Love ya"I heard the hatch open"Get better"He said before leaving


I sat up and started reading my book while editing some soft soup Daryl had brought up for Me I was thankful he did I was hungry I skimmed my book as I ate it

There wasn't much to do besides sleep now days when your sick I missed Tv I really did but I had a bad feeling about this

I looked over at the time And it had been about an hour before Daryl left the hatched opened once again showing Daryl"Hey your back"He nodded with frown

He closed the hatch and sat his crossbow down"Hey what up"I asked closing my book"Glenn got it"Glenn can't have it he can't I just I can't lose Glenn I would change

"I'm heading out to get some medicine I wanted to say goodbye first"I sat up with a frown"how far"I asked looking into his eyes"50 miles"I closed my eyes and looked away

"Okay"I said laying down once again Daryl croched down next to me He grabbed my hand knowing he couldn't kiss me because I'm sick"Be careful please Dare"He nodded with a smile

"I will ill come back and give ya that medicine"He leaned doen and kissed my forhead"Tell Glenn to get better for me"He nodded and pulled away"Will do I gotta go though"He walked over to the hatch

"I love you"I said before he closed the hatch"I love ya to"He smiled and me before closing the hatch and leaving once again I wonder how Maggie's doing how she feels I know she's probably scared about Glenn

I wish I was there to make sure she's okay to make sure Glenn's okay to make sure Beth is everyone is im worried about everyone

I sighed and layed back down I feel asleep soon after but woke up once again I groaned and stood up from thr bed I walked out onto the patio of the tower

I spotted Bob walking towards a car with Gass in hid hands Daryl walked up to him they were talking but I couldn't here what they were saying from ware I sat

Bob sat down the gas while Daryl wipped his hands off with a rag he looked so freaking good this morning he looked in the window of Zacks car I looked away and down at the walkers seems like they got the fince thing figured out

I mean the walkers still gathered but it was less then normal I looked around once again and noticed the pig pen had been burnt down I sighed and looked back at Daryl who held up a piece of paper towards Bob

Bob pointed his finger up at Me saying something to Daryl who glanced up at Me he smiled softly and waved I waved back enjoying the fresh air

I looked over at Tyrese who made his way up to Daryl and Bob was that the only people who were going that not a good amount of people"Thena"I turned around and looked at Maggie

She looked like she was crying"Whats wrong Maggs"Daddy won't go into quarantine Glenn has it..."Maggie shook her head"Hes will to risk his life going in with the sick"She Cryed

I closed my eyes My lip quivering"Hes gonna get sick"I said tears starting to fall down my eyes"Im scared and I needed to see my sister"I smiled at her knowing I couldn't hug her was passing me off

"I'm sorry Mags everything is gonna be okay Daryls gonna go get medicine"I said rubbing my eyes"Hes gonna make me Glenn and everyone better"

Maggie looked up at the sky"We don't get to get upset"She whispered shaking her head that was Beth's line she had always said that"I think she's wrong about that one"I said whipping away a tear

"If you need to cry cry it's okay to feel"She started to sob and I hated the fact I can't comfort her"Its gonna be okay Maggie everyone is"She nodded"I know I know I just needed my sister"I smiled and nodded

"Why aren't you in bed"She asked looking at the door to the patio"I don't want to lay down anymore I may feel like shit my I'm going crazy sleeping all day"She chuckled and nodded

"Oh here"She said walking intot the tower and bringing out a drink"Dad made it its supposed to help"I took the cup and looked down in it it was a red drink"didn't mom used to make this"I asked stiffing it

"Yup dad took Carl out to get the ingredients"I hummed I was kinda angry he took Carl out and not an adult"Did he take Alexxa out to"Maggie shook her head"No she wanted to go but he told her no"

I sighed and took a drink but I started coughing"God that's a horrible taste"Maggie chuckled and shook her head"Drink the rest of it dad said to drink the whole thing"

I took another sip of it"Okay okay I will"Maggie looked at the hatch"I gotta go check on Glenn"I smiled and nodded"Tell him if he dies in there I'll kill um"She chuckled and walked over to the hatch

"Will do love you Thena"I sat back down on my bed"I love you to Mags"She left without another word I bit my lip thinking back to Daryl I hope he was gonna be okay out there with Bob I really had a bad feeling

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